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Discussion How accurate are


Bonesmashing Everyday Until I Get Lean
Jun 14, 2024
BMR/Caloric Maintenance calculators? What is truly considered active? I walk 10k Steps daily and do light weight lifting, I’m about 6’3 and 190 LBs at ~20% BF and calculators tell me my maintenance is about 3k which I find is bullshit. I’ve been eating at 1500 calories a day for 45 days now and I lose about 2.3 pounds a week on average which would put my deficit at around 1200, when it should be 1500 according to the calculators so I think it’s quite bullshit.
They mainly work for oldcel a tryna lose their beer belly or sun chit
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  • #7
Inaccurate for them too
Yeah. I guess the only way to know is by actually trying to lose the weight, so i’ve concluded that on an average day where I do my exercise my maintenance is 2700, which is far off from the 3100-3500 I get told by these “calculators”
BMR/Caloric Maintenance calculators? What is truly considered active? I walk 10k Steps daily and do light weight lifting, I’m about 6’3 and 190 LBs at ~20% BF and calculators tell me my maintenance is about 3k which I find is bullshit. I’ve been eating at 1500 calories a day for 45 days now and I lose about 2.3 pounds a week on average which would put my deficit at around 1200, when it should be 1500 according to the calculators so I think it’s quite bullshit.
Ur losing too much weight

Are u getting saggy and loose skin
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  • #12
Ur losing too much weight

Are u getting saggy and loose skin
Everyone tells me this bluepill shit, I can’t control it like I said I have paranoia and OCD and whenever I eat over 1800 calories I get anxious. I have to stay at around 1500 calories, but I still get around 90g of protein a day on average. No, no sagginess looseness or cellulite at all.
Everyone tells me this bluepill shit, I can’t control it like I said I have paranoia and OCD and whenever I eat over 1800 calories I get anxious. I have to stay at around 1500 calories, but I still get around 90g of protein a day on average. No, no sagginess looseness or cellulite at all.

Everyone tells me this bluepill shit, I can’t control it like I said I have paranoia and OCD and whenever I eat over 1800 calories I get anxious. I have to stay at around 1500 calories, but I still get around 90g of protein a day on average. No, no sagginess looseness or cellulite at all.
Self diagnosed?
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  • #15
Self diagnosed?

Not starving imo, i’m still getting great protein and carbs in, relative to a 1.5k calorie diet. I also dry fast 24 hours once a week, I lose around 2 LBs the following day and gain back about 1 the next day so usually I lose 1 pound in a day from the dry fasting alone.

Not starving imo, i’m still getting great protein and carbs in, relative to a 1.5k calorie diet. I also dry fast 24 hours once a week, I lose around 2 LBs the following day and gain back about 1 the next day so usually I lose 1 pound in a day from the dry fasting alone.
I will self diagnose many things now :gigachad::ez:
