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How are your relationships with people in real life?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Deleted member 35429
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My social life is very chaotic most people make friends with me easily and respect me though there are some people who disrespect me and i hold back cause i am a social threat (i changed from one of the best schools in my city to a subhuman nobody school cause of opps)
Ik you guys rated me 6.5 on here, but in my real life I get told im attractive almost every time I go anywhere. But im not super close friends with anyone cause i dont talk too much 😀
bro same i got rated lower here but irl i am attractive to most
My social life is very chaotic most people make friends with me easily and respect me though there are some people who disrespect me and i hold back cause i am a social threat (i changed from one of the best schools in my city to a subhuman nobody school cause of opps)
you are a sigma. everyone should be scared when you get angry 😳😱😱😱😱😱😱
you are a sigma. everyone should be scared when you get angry 😳😱😱😱😱😱😱
Most people do unless they're nacy or stupid ( doesn't matter i am angry or not) i look very cute and funny when i get angry (i am fat thats why )

Also this is because i have a set of low trust features and feminine features in my face and i am taller that average in india
Most people do unless they're nacy or stupid ( doesn't matter i am angry or not) i look very cute and funny when i get angry (i am fat thats why )

Also this is because i have a set of low trust features and feminine features in my face and i am taller that average in india
okay sis we should get our nails done together i’m thinking of getting french tips wbu?
okay sis we should get our nails done together i’m thinking of getting french tips wbu?
I am talking about my lips and eyelashes only
alr,small amount of close friends (and 1 best friend),and acquaintances with allot of girls in my skl
not dating anyone because
a)no one wants to date me
b)I'm not rlly interest,I'm focusing on more important things rn
c)allot of ppl in my city are extremely strange ( morally and personality-wise),that's also why im not close friends with that many ppl anymore
alr,small amount of close friends (and 1 best friend),and acquaintances with allot of girls in my skl
not dating anyone because
a)no one wants to date me
b)I'm not rlly interest,I'm focusing on more important things rn
c)allot of ppl in my city are extremely strange ( morally and personality-wise),that's also why im not close friends with that many ppl anymore
i want to date you pookie
Bro u need genetics i have top tier eyelashes genetic and oral minox made my eyelashes a lil bit better but my younger sister mogs me death without even doing anything and her genetics are better i feel the same when i see her eyelashes
Bro u need genetics i have top tier eyelashes genetic and oral minox made my eyelashes a lil bit better but my younger sister mogs me death without even doing anything and her genetics are better i feel the same when i see her eyelashes
Oral minox actually didn't help much it just made me subhuman cause i grew a lot of facial hair cause of it and hair all over my body has grown
Oral minox actually didn't help much it just made me subhuman cause i grew a lot of facial hair cause of it and hair all over my body has grown
Topical would be better
Bro u need genetics i have top tier eyelashes genetic and oral minox made my eyelashes a lil bit better but my younger sister mogs me death without even doing anything and her genetics are better i feel the same when i see her eyelashes
i have naturally thick eyebrows and eyelashes i just ruined them by not removing mascara properly
No friends or gf
I dont desire friends i just want gf i may be schizoid or some shit