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Discussion How bad is my colouring and skin ( Some advice )

Will do it soon
Does this picture look frauded?
@Incognito bhai can u give me suggestions for rhino i mean which type of rhinoplasty i need ...
Hard to say man, and it's better to have an in person consultation with the surgeon. However, based on what I think he would do: If there is a dorsal hump (a bump on the bridge of the nose), it will need to be reduced to create a straight line from the forehead to the tip, this would involve dorsal refinement.

Second, tip refinement will be necessary because the tip of the nose is more rounded and bulbous.

Third, a slight increase in the bridge height would be required I think to align with the classical straight contour.

And finally, nostril adjustments will be needed because they are a bit asymmetrical. But it's best to avoid surgery Bhai, especially if it's not necessary. Surgery should be the last option, not the first.
Can't judge cuz us guys with melanin or just anyone in general can look very different in various lightings.

So far, looks fine though.

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