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Discussion How can I fix this downgrowth?

that looks more like an underbite , you can actually get lefort 1 for medical reasons and it should be covered with insurance
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  • #4
that looks more like an underbite , you can actually get lefort 1 for medical reasons and it should be covered with insurance
I don’t want surgery though. Could I get facial upswing?
Simplify your goals. Mew and gym and fix posture. See what happens. If it doesn't get better in 3 years max. Consider alternatives
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  • #9
Simplify your goals. Mew and gym and fix posture. See what happens. If it doesn't get better in 3 years max. Consider alternatives
I’m planning an expander as well as ncr therapy. Mewing hasn’t worked for me. I’m mostly doing it incorrectly due to posture as well as space
I’m planning an expander as well as ncr therapy. Mewing hasn’t worked for me. I’m mostly doing it incorrectly due to posture as well as space
Trimax or atleast bimax or u can wait to see if it get fixed with age

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