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How can i increase overall Bone mass at 16

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  • #3
if you have low bone mass and delicate facial features you want to be really lean.
I already am decently lean to the point where when i flex my chest it ripples and you can see veins everywhere including shoulder bicep and obviously forearms veins. I think my problem is lack of bone mass
I already am decently lean to the point where when i flex my chest it ripples and you can see veins everywhere including shoulder bicep and obviously forearms veins. I think my problem is lack of bone mass
you could try beating yourself in the face with a hammer, i dont think that actually works though.
Do MSE for cheekbones and MSDO for jaw. I don't know a ton about those orthodontic procedures but I'm pretty sure that's what it does
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  • #7
you could try beating yourself in the face with a hammer, i dont think that actually works though.
I have been thinking about it tbh but i don't want to mess anything up. I've thought about just using a massage gun and doing that so I get more consistent results if it does work. I also think it would be less harmful then using a hammer on my face
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  • #8
Do MSE for cheekbones and MSDO for jaw. I don't know a ton about those orthodontic procedures but I'm pretty sure that's what it does
Its not that bad where I need surgery I would want to just softmaxx but dont know what to do. I have seen stuff like strontium and boron increasing bone density
Its not that bad where I need surgery I would want to just softmaxx but dont know what to do. I have seen stuff like strontium and boron increasing bone density
It's not exactly surgery. Mse is an appliance placed on roof of the mouth to widen the palate and the MSDO is an appliance placed on the bottom of the mouth to widen the jaw I'm pretty sure
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  • #11
It's not exactly surgery. Mse is an appliance placed on roof of the mouth to widen the palate and the MSDO is an appliance placed on the bottom of the mouth to widen the jaw I'm pretty sure
interesting. I will look into it
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  • #12
posting pics would help
This is a pretty old pic which kind a looks weird but should give you a general idea. Let me know what I should improve. My side profile is not good I need to get a better jawline and more forward growth


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lifts + LSJL + 10000mg calcium and 3000mg magnesium in diet / supps + 50g MSM + 100000 IU D3 + 5g Alpha GPC + 1000mcg Huperzine A + 3g glucosamine / chondroitin + brainwave entrainment + hypnosis FST288 BMP9 + 750mg Test P. + 500mg Masteron P. + 100mg Anavar+c60 + boron :ROFLMAO:
lifts + LSJL + 10000mg calcium and 3000mg magnesium in diet / supps + 50g MSM + 100000 IU D3 + 5g Alpha GPC + 1000mcg Huperzine A + 3g glucosamine / chondroitin + brainwave entrainment + hypnosis + white button mushroom powder + YK11 + FST288 + BMP2 + BMP7 + BMP9 + 750mg Test P. + 500mg Masteron P. + 100mg Anavar+c60 + boron
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