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how can I look more feminine


worst anorexic ever
Sep 13, 2024
I def feel subhuman.
I've thought about dyeing my brows to make them more prominent but idk?
also sorry that I keep posting in this thread lol

I'm always being stared at in public and I cant tell if people are thinking "wtf is that" or if its just the way I present myself
what can I do to make myself look like a LTS/ emo shawty LMAO

currently working on my diet/debloating to make my face less puffy.
pics are with/without bangs for reference (working on growing hair out too)

makeup is cope but tips are helpful


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I def feel subhuman.
I've thought about dyeing my brows to make them more prominent but idk?
also sorry that I keep posting in this thread lol

I'm always being stared at in public and I cant tell if people are thinking "wtf is that" or if its just the way I present myself
what can I do to make myself look like a LTS/ emo shawty LMAO

currently working on my diet/debloating to make my face less puffy.
pics are with/without bangs for reference (working on growing hair out too)

makeup is cope but tips are helpful
Makeup is definitely not cope you should use it as a girl

I would recommend dying eyebrows to give a better eye area

Also your hair is unhealthy so I would recommend fixing that
I def feel subhuman.
I've thought about dyeing my brows to make them more prominent but idk?
also sorry that I keep posting in this thread lol

I'm always being stared at in public and I cant tell if people are thinking "wtf is that" or if its just the way I present myself
what can I do to make myself look like a LTS/ emo shawty LMAO

currently working on my diet/debloating to make my face less puffy.
pics are with/without bangs for reference (working on growing hair out too)

makeup is cope but tips are helpful
Using make up is not cope. It's a thing that girls should use. Personally I don't care if they have make up or not. Natural beauty has higher appeal to me but I don't have anything against it. Your not subhuman either.
I def feel subhuman.
I've thought about dyeing my brows to make them more prominent but idk?
also sorry that I keep posting in this thread lol

I'm always being stared at in public and I cant tell if people are thinking "wtf is that" or if its just the way I present myself
what can I do to make myself look like a LTS/ emo shawty LMAO

currently working on my diet/debloating to make my face less puffy.
pics are with/without bangs for reference (working on growing hair out too)

makeup is cope but tips are helpful
Who's the dead veteran in your family?
I def feel subhuman.
I've thought about dyeing my brows to make them more prominent but idk?
also sorry that I keep posting in this thread lol

I'm always being stared at in public and I cant tell if people are thinking "wtf is that" or if its just the way I present myself
what can I do to make myself look like a LTS/ emo shawty LMAO

currently working on my diet/debloating to make my face less puffy.
pics are with/without bangs for reference (working on growing hair out too)

makeup is cope but tips are helpful
Is there a framed picture of Chinese writing on your wall?
makeup def will help
dont darken you eyebrows that will make you look more masucaline unsless they are high and arched. your not subhuman bhai your eyes are very pretty
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  • #12
makeup def will help
dont darken you eyebrows that will make you look more masucaline unsless they are high and arched. your not subhuman bhai your eyes are very pretty
thank you thank you , do you think my eyebrows would look better thinner or thicker regardless of darkness? I keep flipping between the two but I cant decide
thank you thank you , do you think my eyebrows would look better thinner or thicker regardless of darkness? I keep flipping between the two but I cant decide
yessss thin brows are the way to go
They probably think you're weirdo because of the piercing and the septum so :

1/ Remove the piercings and the suptum
2/ proper feminine make-up
3/ longer and dyed, and slighty curly brunette hair will gives you a better appeal
4/ thicker and more visible eyebrows
They probably think you're weirdo because of the piercing and the septum so :

1/ Remove the piercings and the suptum
2/ proper feminine make-up
3/ longer and dyed, and slighty curly brunette hair will gives you a better appeal
4/ thicker and more visible eyebrows
she wants to keep her induvuality buddy…she asked how to look better not how to normalify
Probably these are the only two piercings that work for alt girls. Choose only one tho.
I def feel subhuman.
I've thought about dyeing my brows to make them more prominent but idk?
also sorry that I keep posting in this thread lol

I'm always being stared at in public and I cant tell if people are thinking "wtf is that" or if its just the way I present myself
what can I do to make myself look like a LTS/ emo shawty LMAO

currently working on my diet/debloating to make my face less puffy.
pics are with/without bangs for reference (working on growing hair out too)

makeup is cope but tips are helpful
makeup could help

obv get you eyebrows tinted don't go full on black you're too pale for that but you def need to darken them.
You can also color your eyelashes if yours are too blond ..maybe if you wanna go full on out maybe some lash extensions but I assume they'll be too high maintenance.

Makeup place a huge role in the whole emo aesthetic you wanna have.
Won't really comment on your hair cause you're at home chilling plus the pic is kinda dookie but I hope you don't go out with your hair like this.
so not alt
I see it in girls who look alt. Idk about that urban culture but I know those are the best looking because most of the guys friend I had were crazy for a girl with those small piercings and not interested in girls with the bull one.
I see it in girls who look alt. Idk about that urban culture but I know those are the best looking because most of the guys friend I had were crazy for a girl with those small piercings and not interested in girls with the bull one.
i mean alt style isn't meant to be appalling to the majority.It's a trend within that subculture same with stretched earlobes
i mean alt style isn't meant to be appalling to the majority.It's a trend within that subculture same with stretched earlobes
True. But it's not as extreme as punks or goths. So it can and it does attract a lot of normies if the alt girls is somewhat moderate.
Or if she's a stacylite, doest mattress what she does everyone would love her.
I def feel subhuman.
I've thought about dyeing my brows to make them more prominent but idk?
also sorry that I keep posting in this thread lol

I'm always being stared at in public and I cant tell if people are thinking "wtf is that" or if its just the way I present myself
what can I do to make myself look like a LTS/ emo shawty LMAO

currently working on my diet/debloating to make my face less puffy.
pics are with/without bangs for reference (working on growing hair out too)

makeup is cope but tips are helpful
slightly darken your brows but keep your brows high,arched and fairly on the thin side also lashes r helpful (makeup rlly isn't cope for girls) also improving hair health

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