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New member
Oct 28, 2023
I don't like the look of my eyebrows. They appear sparse or very light colored., how can I thicken or darken my eyebrows?
I don't like the look of my eyebrows. They appear sparse or very light colored., how can I thicken or darken my eyebrows?
Minoxidil on eyebrow. One drop each. Rub in hard. OR. Latanoprost same shit.

OR eyebrow pencil. Or microblading ( tattoo and I'll be doing this as it's more permanent) one drop minoxidil under the tongue. Spit out after 5 mins. Do this daily. ( side effect is lower blood pressure and your body hair will grow too and it can be considered more dangerous I did this and it worked but I hate how it makes me a little sleepy often)

I'm pretty expert at eyebrow growth. I had the same issue you had. Bothered me endlessly.
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Minoxidil on eyebrow. One drop each. Rub in hard. OR. Latanoprost same shit.

OR eyebrow pencil. Or microblading ( tattoo and I'll be doing this as it's more permanent) one drop minoxidil under the tongue. Spit out after 5 mins. Do this daily. ( side effect is lower blood pressure and your body hair will grow too and it can be considered more dangerous I did this and it worked but I hate how it makes me a little sleepy often)

I'm pretty expert at eyebrow growth. I had the same issue you had. Bothered me endlessly.
I drank 50 mg minoxidil for many days and yes u get sleepy alot
also bad undereyes
Stop spamming shit
Use minoxidil to thicken them or due to dye them
And overall take care of it brush and shape
Btw since I didn’t actually contribute anything to this convo I will now. Don’t worry about the time it takes just focus on the process.
Btw since I didn’t actually contribute anything to this convo I will now. Don’t worry about the time it takes just focus on the process.
okk but I used minoxidl and it didn't look like it did anything would you recommend mustard oil or castor?
okk but I used minoxidl and it didn't look like it did anything would you recommend mustard oil or castor?
Research it tbh. I haven’t used either so unfortunately I couldn’t help you. I will tag the person you asked the question to again though @basic.yash
although in hindsight i shouldnt have used it on my brows lol, they were already thick and i made them longer and messier :hahaa:
did work on lashes, mine were average so i made them longer
how long did it take?
Sorry man I was busy with exams
I'd say it'll take you some time to see the results but they are worth it
Mustard oil contains chemical components like
Omega 3 and omega 6, Oleic acid, Linoleic acid
Not just that it also contains vitamins like vitamin E and A
Minerals, glucosinolates, etc.
Idk how it'll work for you tho coz it can irritate skin but it depends on person
okk but I used minoxidl and it didn't look like it did anything would you recommend mustard oil or castor?
If you want better results use both of them
One can nourish your follicles and one can provide essential vitamins and fatty acids that'll support your hair growth

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