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Discussion How did/has school affect your life? (whether your in school or not)

There's good and bad to it in my personal view. Socialization and community is a huge plus, but stress and work about retarded stuff is not. Being brutally mogged sucks as well, but you can keep your sanity as a mtn. (will not ER)
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School taught me about human politics and the basics of life. It’s necessary, but only up to a certain age. After 15-16, it becomes pointless, just preparing you to be a docile worker. I've learned much more from self education than I ever did in school to be honest.
not that good...

1. schools are overpopulated.
-leads to large classroom sizes, nobody cares about you and you will suffer and feel lonely.
-so, decrease school and class sizes like the old days.
2. too much sitting.
-sedentary lifestyle is shit
3. school is too long and too often.
-decrease it to 3 hours a day. monday, tuesday, thursday, friday. so 3 hours 4 days a week.
-homework should take only 4 hours a week total max.
-these three hour classes should be: language, maths, science, history
-school should end 16-17, not 18 in USA
-other classes should be optional. (electives). for example, furthering/specific maths, science, history, other languages, arts, etc.
4. school should be unbiased.
-no politics, i.e trying to convert people to religions or liberalism
-fair system, prioritization on learning not preparing us to be wageslaves
5. school food is shit
-because there is high population and priority on quantity to feed everyone and not quality
-should be healthy and free
6. sanitation and keeping building good
-high population once again causes this
-have better maintenance
not that good...

1. schools are overpopulated.
-leads to large classroom sizes, nobody cares about you and you will suffer and feel lonely.
-so, decrease school and class sizes like the old days.
2. too much sitting.
-sedentary lifestyle is shit
3. school is too long and too often.
-decrease it to 3 hours a day. monday, tuesday, thursday, friday. so 3 hours 4 days a week.
-homework should take only 4 hours a week total max.
-these three hour classes should be: language, maths, science, history
-school should end 16-17, not 18 in USA
-other classes should be optional. (electives). for example, furthering/specific maths, science, history, other languages, arts, etc.
4. school should be unbiased.
-no politics, i.e trying to convert people to religions or liberalism
-fair system, prioritization on learning not preparing us to be wageslaves
5. school food is shit
-because there is high population and priority on quantity to feed everyone and not quality
-should be healthy and free
6. sanitation and keeping building good
-high population once again causes this
-have better maintenance
Real asf,
My butt hurts cuz of sitting too much for 8hours a day.
It became flat becuz of sitting on those stupid chairs.
The first point hits hard
during the earlier years i did good but got bullied so i stopped caring and became retarded during middle school. in highschool i was doing great, had friends, was redpilled and gymaxxing but fucking covid......... ever since covid ive had this huge problem of procrastinating and i have 0 social skills now
well in middle school i was bullied mostly and made fun of, moved away to diff area. then in highschool i started being liked more because i started dressing up and looking slightly better. now i have a nice group of friends (literally just 2).
now im in cc and it’s chill, i don’t have any friends there tho and i don’t care to make any either (but most are online, bc i want enough time to go to the gym☠️). i just want to learn, do my work, then leave.
Didn't like it. My classmates copied my homework but since I have chicken scratch they didn't understand my writing well enough, during exams they always asked me for answers while I wasn't that good at all subjects but my best Math and English I'd do mine and my seatmate, they still wanted to cheat off of me in all subjects anyway. By 'they' I mean in front of me, behind me and my seatmates throughout the yrs. Crazy times. It was a thing both in middle and high school.
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