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How did taylor thicken even more her brows? Can it happen with aging? I want mine fuller and longer so i can give them a shape.


Well-known member
Established ★★
Dec 22, 2024
Just apply minoxidil theory
Just apply minoxidil theory
that thing gets nowhere near me.
Not only I got pets, but all your hair falls once you quit it. I don t look without brows or better said...I look even worse.Picsart_24-10-10_15-53-55-762.jpg
that thing gets nowhere near me.
Not only I got pets, but all your hair falls once you quit it. I don t look without brows or better said...I look even worse.View attachment 68666
Huh? That's a rare case, My eyebrows were already thick. I applied it for some time and they got thicker, then I stopped. I still have preserved those hair follicles without any side effects, but maybe it didn't work well on you.
Huh? That's a rare case, My eyebrows were already thick. I applied it for some time and they got thicker, then I stopped. I still have preserved those hair follicles without any side effects, but maybe it didn't work well on you.
I didn t use anything yet. There are just way too many people that talk about how bad it is for women
hers were alr thick all her sibs asw
I didn t use anything yet. There are just way too many people that talk about how bad it is for women
Ig eyebrow transplant is the best option if you really want to thicken your eyebrows, or maybe rosemary oil, but it's more of a cope. And it looks like Taylor might have gotten an eyebrow transplant?
they were still thick maybe she cleaned them up a bit bfr n shes letting them grow now
She literally claimed lots of times in the past she doesn't touch them
She literally claimed lots of times in the past she doesn't touch them
girl then idk its clear theyre the same exact thing maybe she js brushed them out or let them grow a bit its not a drastic difference
Can I use it or nah I want longer eyelashes
Depending where you live if you can have it prescribed for free go for it. If not a small bottle cost ~60$ not worth it + you're a man hop on minox
bimatophrost, or the ordinary peptide serum

safe for ladies i think. you need it prescribed but i have websites