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how do i balance my life?

Chill, avoid people to decrease social pressure, avoid doing more work then the necessary. Stress makes people sick
Avoid people? People and socialization improve your situation significantly.

Having good social connections is far more valuable than muh stress.

Another thing, socialization is something that is practiced. People on this forum are often under-socialized, and it hurts them in the long run.

I can understand what you are trying to say to avoid people to balance life, but in reality this often hurts the person rather than helping their situation.
Avoid people? People and socialization improve your situation significantly.

Having good social connections is far more valuable than muh stress.

Another thing, socialization is something that is practiced. People on this forum are often under-socialized, and it hurts them in the long run.

I can understand what you are trying to say to avoid people to balance life, but in reality this often hurts the person rather than helping their situation.
A subfive should only do the necessary social work to avoid being mistreated, he can not have a typical healthy meetings and easy going conversations or opinion giving then the rest, or he will get bullied and shit. Thats basic blackpill.
A subfive should only do the necessary social work to avoid being mistreated, he can not have a typical healthy meetings and easy going conversations or opinion giving then the rest, or he will get bullied and shit. Thats basic blackpill.
I understand completely, however most people here are not sub 5.

I agree however, it would be difficult for them.
dont use social media apps, they drain time and you dont even realize it, and also bad for attention span and personality
lock in, mindset and discipline
dont workout excessively, do football and workout like 2x a week for recovery days and also reduces stress
