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How do i fix my diet


Aug 19, 2024
Eugene, OR
Im only 14 and im middle class but i am not allowed to cook and i live with my single mother who doesnt cook either. I’ve struggled with eating disorders on and off where i starve myself for days before findind something to eat and eating a shit load of food. Even though i dont go above my recommended calories, i still eat like shit and i constantly feel like shit too.
this is a very tough situation man
i mean why arent you or your mom cooking? where do you get food from?
once you go to middle school you can eat school lunches although they usually arent tasty
also talk to your mom. if she doesnt care then that plan failed. but hopefully she does care enough.
you can buy yogurt with fruits and protein bars from stores, if stores are where your mom gets food from. you can also buy other stuff like that.
although unhealthy, you can buy microwavable food and eat that too.
Im only 14 and im middle class but i am not allowed to cook and i live with my single mother who doesnt cook either. I’ve struggled with eating disorders on and off where i starve myself for days before findind something to eat and eating a shit load of food. Even though i dont go above my recommended calories, i still eat like shit and i constantly feel like shit too.
Why aren't you allowed to cook?
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  • #5
this is a very tough situation man
i mean why arent you or your mom cooking? where do you get food from?
once you go to middle school you can eat school lunches although they usually arent tasty
also talk to your mom. if she doesnt care then that plan failed. but hopefully she does care enough.
you can buy yogurt with fruits and protein bars from stores, if stores are where your mom gets food from. you can also buy other stuff like that.
although unhealthy, you can buy microwavable food and eat that too.
My mom doesnt trust me to cook with a bunch of ingredients. We maybe have 1 real family dinner a month, and i usually walk to the closest store and buy a microwaveable meal or a packaged sandwich or salad or something. And im still waiting for school to start to be able to eat school food.
My mom doesnt trust me to cook with a bunch of ingredients. We maybe have 1 real family dinner a month, and i usually walk to the closest store and buy a microwaveable meal or a packaged sandwich or salad or something. And im still waiting for school to start to be able to eat school food.
alright, stick to eating the store stuff
try not to starve yourself for days, please eat
you can also learn to make simple stuff like cooking eggs, im sure your mom would not refuse since it is low ingredients and easy
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  • #7
Okay thank you. 👍
alright, stick to eating the store stuff
try not to starve yourself for days, please eat
you can also learn to make simple stuff like cooking eggs, im sure your mom would not refuse since it is low ingredients and easy
marinade in spices

use ur creativity
Im only 14 and im middle class but i am not allowed to cook and i live with my single mother who doesnt cook either. I’ve struggled with eating disorders on and off where i starve myself for days before findind something to eat and eating a shit load of food. Even though i dont go above my recommended calories, i still eat like shit and i constantly feel like shit too.
Go to Costco with a budget of $100 dollars or less, buy a 10lb bag of rice, minced meat or any cheap ground beef, some salt and pepper if you need it, and 2 dozen eggs. Easiest meal prep ever. All you do is cook the meat first, while it’s finishing up in the pan, crack the eggs into it and cook them into the meat, scrambling them, finally after cooking your rice, mix it in with the beef and egg. It all mixes flavor and doesn’t taste like shit, plus it’s like 50g protein per serving minimum

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