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How do you know for sure that a girl is into you?


Established Member
Nov 8, 2023
I make a lot of eye contact with females, some of them i see everyday and they still look at me. Idk if they are just looking at me or like me. It may be random, idk.
if a women likes you , she will put effort to be noticed : are they smiling ? do they keep following you ? do they spawn in places where it happens for you to be there ? do you catch them looking at you ?
these are some questions you need to ask yourself
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I catch them looking at me, sometimes they smile, sometimes they look away, its confusing to understand for me.
if a women likes you , she will put effort to be noticed : are they smiling ? do they keep following you ? do they spawn in places where it happens for you to be there ? do you catch them looking at you ?
these are some questions you need to ask yourself
W advice
I catch them looking at me, sometimes they smile, sometimes they look away, its confusing to understand for me.
they may be interested then
if a women likes you , she will put effort to be noticed : are they smiling ? do they keep following you ? do they spawn in places where it happens for you to be there ? do you catch them looking at you ?
these are some questions you need to ask yourself
only applies in social constructs, for instance schools or community clubs. what about randoms walking outside or shopping

and for example, lets say u walk into a corporation, random women smile at you and the secretary smiles and says hello, doesn't mean any of the women are interested, its like walking into a restaurant and the waitress smiles at u, she probably just smiles at most folks. lets say somebody is masculine and there's a lesbian walkin down the street and she says hi to them and smiles, doesn't mean anything sexual she might just be in a good mood.
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I make a lot of eye contact with females, some of them i see everyday and they still look at me. Idk if they are just looking at me or like me. It may be random, idk.
They could find you good looking but I’ve also noticed with women that like me don’t like to hold eye contact with me, so i mean they could be just trying to get a good look I recommend walking up to them
Many times I catch women looking at me but they never hold eye contact/ smile when I look at them, but I also never really smile.
Everyone coping saying that if a girl looks at you she’s in love jfl 😂
