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How do you stay motivated?


Wannabe YSL Model
Jun 24, 2024
New York, NY
I’ve tried everything to stay motivated or get myself to do things but I lack discipline and impulse control. I always do what will give me immediate satisfaction instead of having discipline and doing things that will help me in the long run. For example, it’s my day off and I’ve been on my phone all day and eating processed and fattening foods. I just destroyed a plate of wings and fries in 7 minutes. The fact that it’s my day off and I’ve done nothing productive like working out, washing my face, brushing my teeth, cleaning my room, making my bed, organizing my closet, or cleaning frustrates me. What do I do? How do I gain discipline and fix myself. It’s not that I don’t want do it, I just can’t for some reason.
It’s not about motivation, you need a routine that builds you discipline. Stay active throughout the day, go and take 20-30 minute walks a few times a day and make an eating routine. What made it easy for me is OMAD, i’ve been doing OMAD almost 2 months now on ridiculously low calories yet I still built discipline and consistency because of a routine.
1. remove the things that cause you to stray away from good. like put your phone on your parent's desk or somewhere away where you wont take it easily. dont have bad food in your house in the first place. tell family not to buy it. so you cant eat it. remove notifications on phone and delete everything bad like tiktok, snapchat, insta, or ask parents to setup time limit for like 5 mins each app. dont set it up yourself because then you will remove the time limit yourself. if the food is still bought cuz say your dad wanna eat it, hide it somewhere like on a high shelf and stay away from the kitchen.
2. get hella busy. just start doing the task.
3. no mental masturbation. dont spend hours on yt watching motivational videos, thats gay.
4. just do it bro
feeble minded ppl struggle with this sorta stuff
no mental masturbation
tbh going on this forum and asking this kind of question is mental masturbation. everyone knows the answer, they just dont want to admit it and keep doing passive work, feeling better that they at least asked.
