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Rage How does one cope?


Aug 2, 2024
I was out with some friends tonight, and me and a buddy decided to do some cold approaching. Keep in mind this friend of mine is a roughly 6'1, appealmaxxed, and broad shouldered htn, while I'm a 180 cm ( Just under 5'11), low trust facial featured mtn. The both of us got turned down in our approaches, but the difference in how we were treated was noticed. For my friend, they politely rejected him, but with a positive look and smile to appear nice. For me, I got weird looks and facial expressions back. There was no game involved, we basically said the same thing. This friend is a slayer, so the rejection probably meant nothing to his ego. As for me, every little thing like this is crushing.
I was out with some friends tonight, and me and a buddy decided to do some cold approaching. Keep in mind this friend of mine is a roughly 6'1, appealmaxxed, and broad shouldered htn, while I'm a 180 cm ( Just under 5'11), low trust facial featured mtn. The both of us got turned down in our approaches, but the difference in how we were treated was noticed. For my friend, they politely rejected him, but with a positive look and smile to appear nice. For me, I got weird looks and facial expressions back. There was no game involved, we basically said the same thing. This friend is a slayer, so the rejection probably meant nothing to his ego. As for me, every little thing like this is crushing.
Cold approaching isn’t natural I don’t recommend 👍
Cold approach just doesn't work. Actually you're better off letting the women go to you OR being In a situation where your in a group setting and making friends with them. The only time a cold approach could work in my opinion is you're at a bar and you all had a few drinks. Yeah it's not natural. This is my conclusion back when I was single.
ryan gosling edits
exur1ba and sciencephile the AI have good philosophical videos

remember quantum immortality, many worlds interpretation, and other things that posit the infinity of our universe
there are infinite universes and our own universe could possibly restart itself an infinite amount of times
you could relive this same exact life in another universe, or you could be a chad in another

it helps me cope with death and also the fact that i am ugly, because in another world i am chad
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exur1ba and sciencephile the AI have good philosophical videos

remember quantum immortality, many worlds interpretation, and other things that posit the infinity of our universe
there are infinite universes and our own universe could possibly restart itself an infinite amount of times
you could relive this same exact life in another universe, or you could be a chad in another

it helps me cope with death and also the fact that i am ugly, because in another world i am chad
I used to watch sciencephile. Good content.

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