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How much i can ascend if i go from 16% bodyfat to 10%?

I need do a dnp cycle ASAP. My face looks fat?
no ur face looks alright but will look very better after 10 percent bf
dnp very risky
just do test+clen or some cutting steroid
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  • #5
no ur face looks alright but will look very better after 10 percent bf
dnp very risky
just do test+clen or some cutting steroid
How much time do you think take to reach 10% with clen and test?
Chad to chad
what tf is a cutting steroid? im 100% serious pls lmk
look more into steroids
watch video and stuff
and go on bodybuilding forums and steroids forums to find out
wow you dumb r****d this was the most useless reply ive ever seen
a cutting steroid is a steroid used when cutting and u r dumb if u do what i said u will find out more
thats where everyone learns about roids

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