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How much potassium chloride should I consume in a day to slimmaxx?


New member
Dec 28, 2024
I'm wondering how much potassium chloride I should consume by supplement to maximize slimming my face, the tablet is 550mg Potassium Gluconate, it says to take one per day but is it safe to take more? id have to eat 9 more bananas each day to hit 4700mg each day and that's a little much. If it's not safe to consume anymore, what are other good alternatives?
I'm wondering how much potassium chloride I should consume by supplement to maximize slimming my face, the tablet is 550mg Potassium Gluconate, it says to take one per day but is it safe to take more? id have to eat 9 more bananas each day to hit 4700mg each day and that's a little much. If it's not safe to consume anymore, what are other good alternatives?
@N30N, I'm not sure Abt this one. He needs ya
@N30N, I'm not sure Abt this one. He needs ya
You want to to offset your sodium with a higher potassium ratio. Don't listen to what the tablet tells you to take. Look at how much sodium you consume and aim for much higher than the amount of sodium you consume in mg. 1:10 is a near ideal ratio tbh but I'd urge you to look into it more yourself. No, it isn't unsafe to consume a bit more than you currently are.
you need to deal with the root of the problem. the amount of fat you carry and the quality of your food. you can eat as much potassium and shit as you want but if you have a high bf% and low lean muscle mass then you’ll look bloated and fat still and if you eat shitty processed foods regularly, then it will also show.
you need to deal with the root of the problem. the amount of fat you carry and the quality of your food. you can eat as much potassium and shit as you want but if you have a high bf% and low lean muscle mass then you’ll look bloated and fat still and if you eat shitty processed foods regularly, then it will also show.
I just started to change my diet (only drinking water, and ghost energy), eating eggs, greek yogurt in the morning, fruits as snacks and some type of meat and rice for dinner. I rawdogg the eggs and try to use low sodium seasoning. I am very skinny fat, I have a pudge type stomach but I'm also skinny. I'm 6'3 165-170 lbs. I started jogging yesterday and going to every day for at least 40 min and slowly start working out. If you have any more advice for me it would be awesome :peepoLove: