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how much psl points i can ascend if i do rhino?

i can ascend more with roids than other surgery?
Yes. But you have an interesting face to where I'm not really sure what surgeries would be good for you
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #14
Yes. But you have an interesting face to where I'm not really sure what surgeries would be good for you
Why do you say I have an interesting face?
What is your job in real life badg?
and other surgerys? or is better spend money now in steroids?
Don't change a thing man. You're a prime specimen. Stay natural. You'll fuck things up if you start playing around trying to tweak shit.

If it's not broken don't try and fix it.
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #26
Don't change a thing man. You're a prime specimen. Stay natural. You'll f**k things up if you start playing around trying to tweak shit.

If it's not broken don't try and fix it.
Why you are trolling im ugly all girls ignore me
I'm quite unsure if this post is a bit trolling. But I would say that your nose is perfectly fine and harmonizes with your eyes, which are your best feature.

If you were to get a rhinoplasty, you would look so uncanny, your features won't be able to harmonize well together, and you will probably lose a bit aura points lol.
Why you are trolling im ugly all girls ignore me
I'm sorry this is a bit funny to me. But just because girls ignore you doesn't equal to you being unattractive or ugly.

A lot of times, females ignore men because they are simply going about their own life or they just don't know you well enough to not ignore you.

You are a very attractive guy with nice features that you could be a model. But I really think you would work on your confidence because that is the only thing bringing you down.
Bro just hop on roids and be NT as hell. You must be seriously autistic or aspy to repel girls considering you’re like HTN+
He's not htn. He's an uncanny looking mtn but alot of that has to do with his weird stare
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #43
He's not htn. He's an uncanny looking mtn but alot of that has to do with his weird stare
Stare descend looks? How can i ascend to htn?

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