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How much trimax can ascend you if everything done right

  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #7
front profile is ltn side profile is subhuman
afterwards high mtn
Do I have a chance to achieve chad jaw with trimax + jaw implants??? Or is it just a pipe dream1724114269079.png
if you are giga recessed then of course
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #11
front profile is ltn side profile is subhuman
afterwards high mtn
Would he become a chadlite if he takes a harmony pill. Fixing ears with otoplasty, rhino + growing hair out + trimming facial hair and wearing light contacnts?
Would he become a chadlite if he takes a harmony pill. Fixing ears with otoplasty, rhino + growing hair out + trimming facial hair and wearing light contacnts?
the 1st guy doesnt need rhino
2nd guy can get one (the one that got buccal)
1st guy should shave
1st guy would look uncanny with light contacts, it depends
2nd guy could

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