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How to achieve better coloring

why? usually natural color is fine, working in tandem with your ethnic traits and other colors
if you are light haired, then a shade or 2 darker for brows, and grow out lashes
yellow undertones are not attractive as you are seen as jaundiced
apart from that coloring does not matter much
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why? usually natural color is fine, working in tandem with your ethnic traits and other colors
if you are light haired, then a shade or 2 darker for brows, and grow out lashes
yellow undertones are not attractive as you are seen as jaundiced
apart from that coloring does not matter much
What about this guy 1000004596.jpg
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theres a good thread abt coloring made by a .org user
this is his thread

I suggest reading it on .org bc I didn't really find any good coloring guides here

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