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how to achieve hollow cheeks without losing so much weight for medical reasons?

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  • #3
some people genetically can't get hollow cheeks if you bellow 10-12 % and you don't have them it's not genetically possible
look at my other photos that one pic was the same night
those are NOT hollow cheeks, but its mostly due to the lighting unless you have a severe case of facial bloating you can't just lose and regain hollow cheeks in a matter of hours
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  • #5
those are NOT hollow cheeks, but its mostly due to the lighting unless you have a severe case of facial bloating you can't just lose and regain hollow cheeks in a matter of hours
i mean the pic in this post was in the very early morning around 7 am but maybe water retention
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  • #7
you clearly have an idea on how to acheive hollow cheeks so why ask?
because it’s based on bone structure some what and high cheekbones won’t achieve it at all sometimes
because it’s based on bone structure some what and high cheekbones won’t achieve it at all sometimes
exactly what I told you at the start, if you are so confident that you can acheive hollow cheeks then why are you asking?
deblaot, weight loss, implants, buccal removal(not recommended), boosting testosterone are all ways to change it (some have limitations obv)
You already have them brah
It’s just el lighting and angle

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