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How to activate hollow cheeks


New member
Jul 4, 2019
I have low body fat percentage yet still have a chubby cheeks. The rest of my face is skin tight but the cheeks are flabby. In shadows there are two lines that come from the cheeks to either side of my chin if anyone have a similar problem or can have help talking would be appreciated. Thanks P.S I’ve just ordered a pack of falim that’s on its way so if I get any results I will be happy to share
Make sure you have proper swallowing technique other you will use your buccinator muscles(I think that’s the name) which will make your cheeks bigger. What do you estimate your body fat percentage is?
Make sure you have proper swallowing technique other you will use your buccinator muscles(I think that’s the name) which will make your cheeks bigger. What do you estimate your body fat percentage is?
Well I can see my abs kinda but I really couldn’t say. When I swollow my tongue presses really hard against the pallet in a outward fashion
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Well I can see my abs kinda but I really couldn’t say
You’re at a low enough body fat for hollow cheeks for the average person but you’d be surprised how much fat you can still lose but it’s up to you if it’s worth it.
You’re at a low enough body fat for hollow cheeks for the average person but you’d be surprised how much fat you can still lose but it’s up to you if it’s worth it.
I’ve recently started to water fast and jump rope until I have dinner but I only started like 3 days ago
Low body fat % ideally. I have very little body fat which is why i have the hollow cheeks.
This is pretty much the best picture I have I took it about 4 months ago not much change since but as you can tell theses not many strong features
Every one says it’s dumb and I’m not sure I can take the risk. What do you think
It may well cause damage because of how new and how little research there is. At the end of the day you have to take responsibility and control for your life and decide whether it’s worth that risk. I myself will begin on my chin within the coming weeks
It may well cause damage because of how new and how little research there is. At the end of the day you have to take responsibility and control for your life and decide whether it’s worth that risk. I myself will begin on my chin within the coming weeks
Good for you. You well have to let me know how it goes. The thing is with me I’m still growing and going though puberty and I’ve heard that bonesmashig will not let your palette expand and grow inward when hitting your cheekbones that’s my only worry really
Good for you. You well have to let me know how it goes. The thing is with me I’m still growing and going though puberty and I’ve heard that bonesmashig will not let your palette expand and grow inward when hitting your cheekbones that’s my only worry really
Yeah same I’m 16
I have low body fat percentage yet still have a chubby cheeks. The rest of my face is skin tight but the cheeks are flabby. In shadows there are two lines that come from the cheeks to either side of my chin if anyone have a similar problem or can have help talking would be appreciated. Thanks P.S I’ve just ordered a pack of falim that’s on its way so if I get any results I will be happy to share
face liposuction + lipofilling on jawline and zygos
I have low body fat percentage yet still have a chubby cheeks. The rest of my face is skin tight but the cheeks are flabby. In shadows there are two lines that come from the cheeks to either side of my chin if anyone have a similar problem or can have help talking would be appreciated. Thanks P.S I’ve just ordered a pack of falim that’s on its way so if I get any results I will be happy to share
swallow right
Everyone should learn how to swallow properly but tbh hollow cheeks are mostly down to low bodyfat, and zygos/chin projection.