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How to appeal to guys around my age

I only ever get approached from old men or thugs, even tho I dress relatively basic and like my age, does anyone have advice?
Girls will do anything expect talking to them

Girl, you have an infinite SMV, just talk to the guy you like, it will speed up the dating process. Show him you're interested. A 2seconds side eye isn't enough
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Girls will do anything expect talking to them

Girl, you have an infinite SMV, just talk to the guy you like, it will speed up the dating process. Show him you're interested. A 2seconds side eye isn't enough
But if I approach a guy first it kind of means that he didn’t like me enough to approach me so that seems kind of sad
But if I approach a guy first it kind of means that he didn’t like me enough to approach me so that seems kind of sad
What's your age ? Because you seem to not be aware than most majority of men are terrified to talk to the girl they like
Teenager/15 soon 16
Yeah, that's why i thought. Boys aren't brave at that age. I'm 10 years older than you and most of guys i've known my whole life wasn't able to do the 1st step. Terrified to be rejected

I even tried to approach a guy once on my birthday and he rejected me so my success rate is 0%
We all get rejected, we can't please everybody. Move on and focus on the next guy
Yeah, that's why i thought. Boys aren't brave at that age. I'm 10 years older than you and most of guys i've known my whole life wasn't able to do the 1st step. Terrified to be rejected

We all get rejected, we can't please everybody. Move on and focus on the next guy
I'm 20 and I still see guys my age terrified pf Making the first move
How? I'm a genetic failure tbh
Just like me, by getting out of your comfort zone and forcing yourself to talk to women. Not obligated to conclude or asking a phone number or what, just talking to them. And then seeing by yourself if she is interested enough to ask for a number. If you've had applied your mean comments and your little roast / subtle dark humour IRL , you'll get girls trust me
Just like me, by getting out of your comfort zone and forcing yourself to talk to women. Not obligated to conclude or asking a phone number or what, just talking to them. And then seeing by yourself if she is interested enough to ask for a number. If you've had applied your mean comments and your little roast / subtle dark humour IRL , you'll get girls trust me
Aren't you htn+?
You are the most boring looking female I have ever seen. If I saw you on the street the only thing I’d do is spit at you.

Go follow the trends of what other girls your age do, find a niche etc.

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