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How to appeal to guys around my age

Yeah u should not approach 8/10 times its the mans job if u approach him he will think ur a thirsty degen
Nah bro no way. Guys like it. They might get nervous but many dudes nowadays won't approach first unless they're confident which is now at least HTN
Nah bro no way. Guys like it. They might get nervous but many dudes nowadays won't approach first unless they're confident which is now at least HTN
I can compare and the girls who I chased and not the other way are more feminine , traditional, sweet ppl. The ones who chase tend to be narcy sluts that abuse their charm
I can compare and the girls who I chased and not the other way are more feminine , traditional, sweet ppl. The ones who chase tend to be narcy sluts that abuse their charm
Usually true but sometimes when you're like her age that's not always the case. true later on tho.
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You are the most boring looking female I have ever seen. If I saw you on the street the only thing I’d do is spit at you.

Go follow the trends of what other girls your age do, find a niche etc.
What kind of niches exist?
soooooo simple, nichemax, become the niche u want to attract