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How to cheat testosterone test?


Well-known member
Jul 30, 2024
I wanna get testosterone prescribed. My current level is too low, but not low enough to get the prescription. I need to make it appear as low as possible

Do I drink coffee before the test? Or eat processed food for 2 days before it? Or smth like that

I know I can buy it as a steroid, but I have no idea how to deal with it + pretty sure prescription testosterone must be cheaper than steroid testosterone
You could consume high levels of androgenic blocking "food" for a whole blood production cycle. Pluss hear sad feminine music and loose physical battles reacting with sadness instead of anger. Also being stressed. Not sleeping...

However, if you take a bluepilled endocrinologist (or a feminist who thinks that men with normal T levels are evil, and that's common in some countries out there), you won't get it. They won't prescribe it. They will tell you shit like "just take sun" or say that even though your level is super low, that's not really a problem.

There is another way, but you are a user who offend so much people for no reason and spread actual racism that I simply don't want to give the info to you.
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You could consume high levels of androgenic blocking "food" for a whole blood production cycle. Pluss hear sad feminine music and loose physical battles reacting with sadness instead of anger. Also being stressed. Not sleeping...

However, if you take a bluepilled endocrinologist (or a feminist who thinks that men with normal T levels are evil, and that's common in some countries out there), you won't get it. They won't prescribe it. They will tell you shit like "just take sun" or say that even though your level is super low, that's not really a problem.

There is another way, but you are a user who offend so much people for no reason and spread actual racism that I simply don't want to give the info to you.
It's Russia, so no feminists. And I offended like 2 people or smth(all of whom were female, so not like I attacked some depressed dude into suicide) + why r u woke, bro. It's a looxmaxxing forum, lemme be myself. I can't even say that shit on Twitter anymore, let alone other platforms
dont sleep for 1 week before the test
and eat sugar for the whole week (not too much)
Chew on plastic, I chew on bottle caps Ik man i gotta stop but it's can increase estrogen and lower test bioavailability
why get it prescribed? Pharma test is more expensive

also test is cheap as hell to begin with so cost doesn’t really matter

also, let’s look at the big picture here. Are you doing anything at all to optimize your lifestyle? I would get your natural test levels to at least normal and THEN hop on, because it just seems kind of dumb to inject while you still eat like shit and have a messed up hormonal profile to begin with. If you can get natural levels normal, minimize cortisol, have a good lifestyle in place already, then that provides you with the perfect base for enhancement. Also, have you read Astrosky’s thread about making test nasal spray? It supposedly gives the benefits of injecting but without sacrificing your fertility and has less side effects. I think this is the future of TRT personally, it’s what I’m gonna do when I can get the equipment and knowledge to make it.
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why get it prescribed? Pharma test is more expensive

also test is cheap as hell to begin with so cost doesn’t really matter

also, let’s look at the big picture here. Are you doing anything at all to optimize your lifestyle? I would get your natural test levels to at least normal and THEN hop on, because it just seems kind of dumb to inject while you still eat like shit and have a messed up hormonal profile to begin with. If you can get natural levels normal, minimize cortisol, have a good lifestyle in place already, then that provides you with the perfect base for enhancement. Also, have you read Astrosky’s thread about making test nasal spray? It supposedly gives the benefits of injecting but without sacrificing your fertility and has less side effects. I think this is the future of TRT personally, it’s what I’m gonna do when I can get the equipment and knowledge to make it.
It is more expensive?? Wtf. Pharma test is supposed to be for people who actually need it, why is it expensive

The problem is, I already sleep 8 hours(or smth like that. no alarms, body wakes up by itself), eat eggs for breakfast and meat for lunch and dinner, sometimes mixing in vegetables or a bit of carbs, while drinking a ton of water. I workout, but not too much, I go out in the sun, but not too much. Also, I take supplements with everything I am missing(zinc, copper, multivitamin prescribed by a doc, d3 k2, calcium)

There is legit no reason why my test is low(my free test is decent tho). I'd love to make it go up naturally, but that doesn't seem to work

Do you have the guide saved by any chance? And is that really hard to do? Or decent iq and some time will be enough?
It is more expensive?? Wtf. Pharma test is supposed to be for people who actually need it, why is it expensive

The problem is, I already sleep 8 hours(or smth like that. no alarms, body wakes up by itself), eat eggs for breakfast and meat for lunch and dinner, sometimes mixing in vegetables or a bit of carbs, while drinking a ton of water. I workout, but not too much, I go out in the sun, but not too much. Also, I take supplements with everything I am missing(zinc, copper, multivitamin prescribed by a doc, d3 k2, calcium)

There is legit no reason why my test is low(my free test is decent tho). I'd love to make it go up naturally, but that doesn't seem to work

Do you have the guide saved by any chance? And is that really hard to do? Or decent iq and some time will be enough?
I don’t have it saved, but it should come up if you search test nasal spray and have astrosky in the user box
Take enclomiphene it naturally raises levels

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