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Guide How to choose the correct Lip Lift-Lip Augmentation procedure


Well-known member
Nov 20, 2019

In this thread I will explain the different surgical procedures to augment and lift the lips and how to choose the most adequate procedure based on your needs.

However, this is just an orientative thread, everyone is different and has to consider which procedures would offer him the best results.

I want to thank the user Surgerymax from for helping me with the thread.

Here is a pic with illustrations of some of the procedures I will talk about in this thread:

Source of the pic:

List of Lip Lift-Lip Augmentation procedures

-Subnasal Lip Lift
(Also called Bullhorn Lip Lift)


A subnasal lip lift elevates the top portion of the lip and reduces the philtrum length.
A very small incision is made at the junction between the nose and lip. The surgeons usually make the incision in the natural crease of the area, so that it is well concealed. After making the incision, a small, curved strip of skin is trimmed away, to lift the lip area. The resulting wound is stitched up with sutures.

Subnasal lip lifts can be a very satisfying procedure but it is important to not try and take too much skin.

You are a suitable candidate for this procedure if your philtrum length is overly above the average range.

You can compare your philtrum length measurement here:

Before & Afters:

-Italian Lip Lift


This is a variation of the Subnasal Lip Lift, in which the columella of the nose is not incised.

This type of lift is great for achieving a more subtle, nuanced result while producing a shorter scar.

Given the positioning of the incision, the central portion is not lifted which is exactly the portion which needs to be lifted for a shorter philtrum, the lift is more focused on the area right below both nostrils.

You are a suitable candidate for this procedure if you want to increase the size of your vermillion borders while maintaining your current philtrum length and cupid's bow size.

-Vermillion Advancement of the Lip
(Also called Gull Wing Lip Lift)


In this procedure a strip of skin is removed from one mouth corner to the other to change the height of the lip vermilion.

This works very well in very thin lips because they lack adequate vermilion height for exposure, the vermilion advancement is also much more effective in shaping the cupid’s bow area of the central upper lip than other procedures.

This procedure can change the lower lip as well.

You are a suitable candidate for this procedure if your upper lip is thin and/or flat shaped.
This procedure would also reduce the philtrum length.*

*If your only problem is your philtrum length and your lips shape is already good a subnasal lip lift is a better option than this procedure.

-Corner of the mouth lift


The incisions are made on the white skin surrounding the upper oral commissures in order to lift this part of the lips.


This leaves a scar on the skin that trails away from the mouth corner in the direction of the ear.

There's a variation of this procedure called "Pennant corner of mouth lift" which eliminates this scar by using a ‘pennant’ skin excision/incision line pattern.
The skin above the mouth corner is removed in a triangular pattern but there is an incision line that goes down along the lower lip vermilion-cutaneous junction. This allows the corner of the mouth to be excised and the mucosa mobilized. A wedge of orbicularis muscle is also removed and sutured upward to create a deeper corner of the mouth elevation. The corner of the mouth is then elevated and inset into the skin removal site.

This variation keeps all the incision lines at the vermilion-cutaneous junctions, hence making them less visible.


However, the pennant method does not lift the mouth corners as much as the traditional triangular excision.

You are a suitable candidate for this procedure if the corners of your mouth are downturned.

A corner of the mouth lift is NOT the same procedure as a 'Smile Lipt', a 'Smile Lipt' not only lifts up downturned mouth corners but leaves one with upturned curls for a permanent smile effect.


This is exactly the result one wants to avoid from a corner of the mouth lift, you dont want to have a joker’s smile.

Before & Afters:

(After scars healed)

Note: These before and afters are from a pennant corner of mouth lift.

-Lip Suspension
(Also called Thread Lip Lift)


The incision will be made on the inside of the nose through the nasal septum, separating the lower lateral cartilages from the septal cartilage. This incision then is carried inferiorly onto the bilateral nasal floors and superiorly as an intercartilaginous incision, separating lateral crura of the lower lateral cartilages from the upper lateral cartilages.

The lip will be lifted by passing a suture through the inside of the nose to the inside of the upper lip, the area incised is limited to the width of the nasal base and only half the distance of the philtrum.


This adds projection to the nasal tip and slight tip rotation, patients with excessive nasal tip projection before the lip suspension will need to undergo a tip rhinoplasty to decrease the tip's projection.

You are a suitable candidate for this procedure if you want to make your philtrum look shorter and more concave , increase your upper lip projection or/and increase the upper lip volume.

Before & Afters:

-V to Y Lip Augmentation


A small incision in the shape of a V is made inside the mouth to disengage the mucosa and vermilion, which are then advanced and secured, leaving a portion of scar tissue inside the mouth.

The procedure is called "V-Y lip augmentation" because the original V incision is transformed to look like a Y.


Another technique uses a "W" incision inside the mouth to create several "V" flaps, which are then used in a V-to-Y plasty technique to advance the vermilion of either or both lips.

This procedure does NOT change the philtrum length.

You are a suitable candidate for this procedure if you want to add more volume and/or projection to your lips.

Before & Afters:

More about mouth/lips area
Mouth Widening Guide:

In this thread I will explain the different surgical procedures to augment and lift the lips and how to choose the most adequate procedure based on your needs.

However, this is just an orientative thread, everyone is different and has to consider which procedures would offer him the best results.

I want to thank the user Surgerymax from for helping me with the thread.

Here is a pic with illustrations of some of the procedures I will talk about in this thread:
View attachment 10276

Source of the pic:

List of Lip Lift-Lip Augmentation procedures

-Subnasal Lip Lift
(Also called Bullhorn Lip Lift)

View attachment 10277

A subnasal lip lift elevates the top portion of the lip and reduces the philtrum length.
A very small incision is made at the junction between the nose and lip. The surgeons usually make the incision in the natural crease of the area, so that it is well concealed. After making the incision, a small, curved strip of skin is trimmed away, to lift the lip area. The resulting wound is stitched up with sutures.

Subnasal lip lifts can be a very satisfying procedure but it is important to not try and take too much skin.

You are a suitable candidate for this procedure if your philtrum length is overly above the average range.

You can compare your philtrum length measurement here:

Before & Afters:
View attachment 10278
View attachment 10279View attachment 10280
View attachment 10281View attachment 10282

-Italian Lip Lift

View attachment 10283

This is a variation of the Subnasal Lip Lift, in which the columella of the nose is not incised.

This type of lift is great for achieving a more subtle, nuanced result while producing a shorter scar.

Given the positioning of the incision, the central portion is not lifted which is exactly the portion which needs to be lifted for a shorter philtrum, the lift is more focused on the area right below both nostrils.

You are a suitable candidate for this procedure if you want to increase the size of your vermillion borders while maintaining your current philtrum length and cupid's bow size.

-Vermillion Advancement of the Lip
(Also called Gull Wing Lip Lift)

View attachment 10284

In this procedure a strip of skin is removed from one mouth corner to the other to change the height of the lip vermilion.

This works very well in very thin lips because they lack adequate vermilion height for exposure, the vermilion advancement is also much more effective in shaping the cupid’s bow area of the central upper lip than other procedures.

This procedure can change the lower lip as well.

You are a suitable candidate for this procedure if your upper lip is thin and/or flat shaped.
This procedure would also reduce the philtrum length.*

*If your only problem is your philtrum length and your lips shape is already good a subnasal lip lift is a better option than this procedure.

-Corner of the mouth lift

View attachment 10285

The incisions are made on the white skin surrounding the upper oral commissures in order to lift this part of the lips.

View attachment 10286

This leaves a scar on the skin that trails away from the mouth corner in the direction of the ear.

There's a variation of this procedure called "Pennant corner of mouth lift" which eliminates this scar by using a ‘pennant’ skin excision/incision line pattern.
The skin above the mouth corner is removed in a triangular pattern but there is an incision line that goes down along the lower lip vermilion-cutaneous junction. This allows the corner of the mouth to be excised and the mucosa mobilized. A wedge of orbicularis muscle is also removed and sutured upward to create a deeper corner of the mouth elevation. The corner of the mouth is then elevated and inset into the skin removal site.

This variation keeps all the incision lines at the vermilion-cutaneous junctions, hence making them less visible.

View attachment 10287

However, the pennant method does not lift the mouth corners as much as the traditional triangular excision.

You are a suitable candidate for this procedure if the corners of your mouth are downturned.

A corner of the mouth lift is NOT the same procedure as a 'Smile Lipt', a 'Smile Lipt' not only lifts up downturned mouth corners but leaves one with upturned curls for a permanent smile effect.

View attachment 10288

This is exactly the result one wants to avoid from a corner of the mouth lift, you dont want to have a joker’s smile.

Before & Afters:
View attachment 10289

(After scars healed)
View attachment 10290

Note: These before and afters are from a pennant corner of mouth lift.

-Lip Suspension
(Also called Thread Lip Lift)

View attachment 10291

The incision will be made on the inside of the nose through the nasal septum, separating the lower lateral cartilages from the septal cartilage. This incision then is carried inferiorly onto the bilateral nasal floors and superiorly as an intercartilaginous incision, separating lateral crura of the lower lateral cartilages from the upper lateral cartilages.

The lip will be lifted by passing a suture through the inside of the nose to the inside of the upper lip, the area incised is limited to the width of the nasal base and only half the distance of the philtrum.

View attachment 10292
View attachment 10293

This adds projection to the nasal tip and slight tip rotation, patients with excessive nasal tip projection before the lip suspension will need to undergo a tip rhinoplasty to decrease the tip's projection.

You are a suitable candidate for this procedure if you want to make your philtrum look shorter and more concave , increase your upper lip projection or/and increase the upper lip volume.

Before & Afters:
View attachment 10294View attachment 10295

-V to Y Lip Augmentation

View attachment 10296

A small incision in the shape of a V is made inside the mouth to disengage the mucosa and vermilion, which are then advanced and secured, leaving a portion of scar tissue inside the mouth.

The procedure is called "V-Y lip augmentation" because the original V incision is transformed to look like a Y.

View attachment 10297View attachment 10298

Another technique uses a "W" incision inside the mouth to create several "V" flaps, which are then used in a V-to-Y plasty technique to advance the vermilion of either or both lips.

This procedure does NOT change the philtrum length.

You are a suitable candidate for this procedure if you want to add more volume and/or projection to your lips.

Before & Afters:
View attachment 10299

More about mouth/lips area
Mouth Widening Guide:
this should be stickied fr

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