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How to cope being sub 5


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2024
As a ugly half Asian manlet who also used to be fat, here are some tips to not be so humiliated by people:

part 1 - controlling theirs instincts to avoid being fucked up:

1- Dress high class, red and dark colours, always pants to hide skinny leg.
2- get fit.
3- fraud height.
4- instead of posting shit ugly photos of yourself in social media, post some of your achievements so they may think of you relating to those others social hierarchies instead of height.
5- straight your hair.

part 2 - coping with depression because everyday when you go out of home someone treats you like shit for no reason (100% happens everyday if you dont do all the previous things, but still happen from time to time specially if you stay too long in a class for example):

1- Drink wine more often.
2- Stay away from people the max as you can, live inside your place for your own mental healthy, it is actually better to do that then to be treated like trash.
3- Drink more wine.
4- Dont give up on your economic strategy to get your height surgery and face surgery when you have 35 years.
5- Travel or do something that have fun and that lets you relax. Dont try so hard, go easy and chill.
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  • #6
U must have started to look uglier and women are scared of ugly males

They pay attention to the possible threats in thier surrounding
Yes, I look uglier without straight hair = I look better with straight hair (or just racism). And that's why straightening the hair is improvement in how we are treated
Just work like 12 hours a day, you have nothing to lose. You live one life and its best to live it the best way possible, and that is to get insanely rich.
Pretty privilege is no doubt real, but blackpillers have to realize there is more to life than looks and the average person does not think about looks nearly as much as we do
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  • #13
Just work like 12 hours a day, you have nothing to lose. You live one life and its best to live it the best way possible, and that is to get insanely rich.
Working 12 hours won't make you rich. See the thread "jobpill".

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