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How to debloat??? As a fem


Mar 12, 2024
hi guys, I just wanted to ask for help, I´m currently trying to debloat to level up my face but if you have some tips that truly worked for you put it down<3
Yeah true if ur a women u could just pull any man u could and bro femcels exist trust

On god no female is incel, unless if she was a burn victim with like SEVERE burns

Allowing women on here is a joke unless if they rate our dicks or something
Women have infinite smv bro
Yeah true if ur a women u could just pull any man u could and bro femcels exist trust

On god no female is incel, unless if she was a burn victim with like SEVERE burns

Allowing women on here is a joke unless if they rate our dicks or something
Mirin effort bhai
It beyond me How could u even tolerate such low iq f*g shii quries
fucker don't even know basic of basic
hi guys, I just wanted to ask for help, I´m currently trying to debloat to level up my face but if you have some tips that truly worked for you put it down<3
1-Bucal fat remover


3-Megadosing potassium
Women have infinite smv bro
yes because of simps. i am no simp, i call a 10 a 10

but what i refer to is, if there was a 600lb Landwhale a 2 they wouldnt be incel because of simps

personally i dont want anyone to be incel but a person should date within 2 points of their looksmatch imo
never buccal fat remove, even if u are a man you should not do that

u are a 10, never buccal fat remove
By buccal I mean Lemon bottle + other fat dissolver
Never? bhai buccal removing/dissolving buccal fat pads is completely fine, since, unlike what you may think, buccal fat pads get larger as we age Here link to studies
As fat migrate from upper to lower
so if u wanna look youthful and prevent ur face from aging poorly
U want to dissolve fat ONLY IN the
lower part  of the face
yes because of simps. i am no simp, i call a 10 a 10

but what i refer to is, if there was a 600lb Landwhale a 2 they wouldnt be incel because of simps

personally i dont want anyone to be incel but a person should date within 2 points of their looksmatch imo
View attachment 29057
n***a what are u talking about 🥲🥲😭 u n*****s got my shii boiling

A women doesn't need anything just
Compact mid enough ntg else + no serious recession

and she will look good asf and all u fucker would be drooling over her
Y’know maybe your look’s aren’t the biggest problem bro..
@Autismcel 😀😀😀
Bhai mirin effort i need to mediate to get over this one
By buccal I mean Lemon bottle + other fat dissolver
Never? bhai buccal removing/dissolving buccal fat pads is completely fine, since, unlike what you may think, buccal fat pads get larger as we age Here link to studies
As fat migrate from upper to lower
so if u wanna look youthful and prevent ur face from aging poorly
U want to dissolve fat ONLY IN the
lower part  of the face
Oh I meant buccal fat surgery.

Does your lemon bottle method actually work? Any proof on that?

n***a what are u talking about 🥲🥲😭 u n*****s got my shii boiling
i dont get it, im litterally agreeing with u in that post

A women doesn't need anything just
Compact mid enough ntg else + no serious recession

and she will look good asf and all u fucker would be drooling over her
average women look like this:

average man:

the facial average woman looks like a 8 to 9 whereas the average man looks like a mtn 5 or 6 and it does not benefit men to be average

in addition, as a woman you can further enhance your looks using makeup while in men it is not socially permissible to do so, by putting makeup on as a man you automatically exclude yourself from a lot of normie females

additionally, a lot of women seem to bone mog men also, it seems easy for women to bonemog men without even trying
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Oh I meant buccal fat surgery.

Does your lemon bottle method actually work? Any proof on that?
Wait, let me pm u some guide with result
i dont get it, im litterally agreeing with u in that post
It was mistake from my part
I didn't read whole tlandwhale pic (due to nap my Brian was foggy)
average women look like this:
View attachment 29134

average man:
View attachment 29135

the facial average woman looks like a 8 to 9 whereas the average man looks like a mtn 5 or 6 and it does not benefit men to be average

additionally, a lot of women seem to bone mog men also, it seems easy for women to bonemog men without even trying
Fair enough men still dominate upper echelons of lookmaxx Or anyother field tho
By buccal I mean Lemon bottle + other fat dissolver
Never? bhai buccal removing/dissolving buccal fat pads is completely fine, since, unlike what you may think, buccal fat pads get larger as we age Here link to studies
As fat migrate from upper to lower
so if u wanna look youthful and prevent ur face from aging poorly
U want to dissolve fat ONLY IN the
lower part  of the face

n***a what are u talking about 🥲🥲😭 u n*****s got my shii boiling

A women doesn't need anything just
Compact mid enough ntg else + no serious recession

and she will look good asf and all u fucker would be drooling over her

@Autismcel 😀😀😀
Bhai mirin effort i need to mediate to get over this one
View attachment 29065
hey can you elaborate on the lemon water thing and other fat dissolvers what exactly do you do?