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Guide how to fix a long philtrim


Well-known member
Dec 21, 2023
What even is a philtrim? Well, the philtrim is the area between your lip and your nose. When this distance is too long, it throws off your ratios, harmony, and makes you look like a parrot.

How to fraud: simply grow a mustache. David Gandy has a slightly long philtrim and frauds it with a mustache. So does Henry Cavill.

How to actually fix: a lip lift. This is a procedure where a surgeon tightens up the excess length of the philtrim by making an incision just below the nostrils.

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What even is a philtrim? Well, the philtrim is the area between your lip and your nose. When this distance is too long, it throws off your ratios, harmony, and makes you look like a parrot.

How to tell if you have a long philtrim: “A long philtrim is defined by being 10mm or more” While this can be the case, it matters more if it affects your ratios and overall appearance. On some people it isn’t a problem, but on others it destroys their attractiveness.

How to fraud: simply grow a mustache. David Gandy has a slightly long philtrim and frauds it with a mustache. So does Henry Cavill.

How to actually fix: a lip lift. This is a procedure where a surgeon tightens up the excess length of the philtrim by making an incision just below the nostrils.

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This is an easy way to address a long philtrim, long midface, bad chin to philtrim ratio, etc. This is a fairly common procedure and most plastic surgery clinics offer it.

This surgery is fairly permanent and should last for more than 10-15 years without needing revisions. Even if it does move, it is usually only by 1-2mm.

You will be in the clinic for an hour and it will only leave a small scar.

A lip lift will cost you on average $1,500 to $3,500 USD.

Recovery: swelling will last about a week. You can use an ice pack or something to help with that. A discreet scar will be left just below your nose. You can opt for laser treatments to further minimize the scar tissue, though it shouldn’t leave much to begin with.
What even is a philtrim? Well, the philtrim is the area between your lip and your nose. When this distance is too long, it throws off your ratios, harmony, and makes you look like a parrot.

How to fraud: simply grow a mustache. David Gandy has a slightly long philtrim and frauds it with a mustache. So does Henry Cavill.

How to actually fix: a lip lift. This is a procedure where a surgeon tightens up the excess length of the philtrim by making an incision just below the nostrils.

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Good but long philtrum in male is >15mm

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