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How to get a philtrum? I doubt i have Fetal Alcohol Syndrome but who knows

your philtrum looks fine
"Non-existent philtrum, small cupid blow and improper lip seal. Face shape is off. Individual features are decent but they aren't spaced properly and in proportion with your skull. Forehead is also large and round Kinda looks like a pre pubescent boy on estradiol."
pull down ur upper lip with ur lower lip, but ull look autistic. Your chin to philtrim ratio is fine anyways
Thanks. I was truly confused as I saw people online insecure about a long philtrum not a short one
Thanks. I was truly confused as I saw people online insecure about a long philtrum not a short one
Short philtrum makes u look more youthful and it’s more desired
u don't have alcohol fetal syndrome
females have short philtrums naturally
Yes but how can I make it longer? Or more proeminent?
You can always contour it by using a cool tone brown and highlighting it with a peachy white color. I’ve seen asian makeup tutorials where they contour the lips and the philtrum area. Regardless you don’t really need it. Imo your philtrum looks fine.
You can always contour it by using a cool tone brown and highlighting it with a peachy white color. I’ve seen asian makeup tutorials where they contour the lips and the philtrum area. Regardless you don’t really need it. Imo your philtrum looks fine.
Looks fine. You are worried about the wrong things. Lips are are a little too big and weirdly shaped. That's the only flaw I see
Looks fine. You are worried about the wrong things. Lips are are a little too big and weirdly shaped. That's the only flaw I see
Yeah that is an issue too but not the size. That is normal. The shape is shit and I get accused of fillers.