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How to get more defined face?


Jan 19, 2024
What should I do to get hollow cheeks + good jawline? I have been mewing for the past 2-3ish years, I consume around 1000-1500 mg of potassium every day to reduce face fat, I drink 1/2 gal of water every day (now 135oz), I have intense gym and cardio 6/7 days of the week, and recently I've started using silicone jaw exercizers similar to these (link). I have low onset cheekbones. Am I at my genetic limit and should I consider surgery?

Link to image so you don't have to use your imagination (jaw unflexxed)
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  • #4
how long have you been training?
Gym, on & off for a bit. I started taking it very seriously around 6 months ago. For my neck, I do shrugs.
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  • #5
One thing I need to work on is my sodium intake, there are a lot of things that have sodium in them that I did not know contained sodium before. For every 1000mg of potassium I consume, I probably consume 100mg of sodium.
Are you lean yet in bodyfat percentage? If yes get surgery
Lean enough to get abs btw
One thing I need to work on is my sodium intake, there are a lot of things that have sodium in them that I did not know contained sodium before. For every 1000mg of potassium I consume, I probably consume 100mg of sodium.
yeah, thats a factor you need to consider. try and cut out sodium, stop eating processed foods and dont purposely salt things
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  • #11
yeah, thats a factor you need to consider. try and cut out sodium, stop eating processed foods and dont purposely salt things
I already don't eat processed foods or salty foods, there's just a lot of things with sodium in them that I didn't realize have sodium. From now on, I'm only eating fruit, bread, and meat.
I already don't eat processed foods or salty foods, there's just a lot of things with sodium in them that I didn't realize have sodium. From now on, I'm only eating fruit, bread, and meat.
you should have dairy and vegetables as well
What surgery do you recommend? lol
idk maybe fillers, I’m not too experienced on surgeries so you would want to reach out to someone else or on .org
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  • #14
idk maybe fillers, I’m not too experienced on surgeries so you would want to reach out to someone else or on .org
I'm not going to .org, I'll just hope someone knowlegable about surgeries replies to this.
I'm not going to .org, I'll just hope someone knowlegable about surgeries replies to this.
It’s gonna be hard with the low amount of members and people here don’t really get surgeries
I was thinking cheekbone filler and jaw filler if he has low cheekbone
if his cheekbones are low then wont the cheekbone fillers make the bone look even lower? maybe shaving it a bit or pushing it up somehow would help give the mid-high set ideal cheekbones
I have low cheekbones
I guess maybe cheekbone filler? You may have to consult with a plastic surgeon cuz I really don’t know shit and I don’t want you getting messed up
I guess maybe cheekbone filler? You may have to consult with a plastic surgeon cuz I really don’t know shit and I don’t want you getting messed up
Or even Reddit tbh there’s not many people that can help you here @bye
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  • #22
Googled buccal fat removal and this looks perfect. This is how I'd expect to look after the surgery because I have a good jawline, it's just hard to see because of the fat.1716167688536.png
Googled buccal fat removal and this looks perfect. This is how I'd expect to look after the surgery because I have a good jawline, it's just hard to see because of the fat.View attachment 30141
Alright well I wish you goodness brother
I couldn’t see jawline because imgur wasn’t loading
What should I do to get hollow cheeks + good jawline? I have been mewing for the past 2-3ish years, I consume around 1000-1500 mg of potassium every day to reduce face fat, I drink 1/2 gal of water every day (now 135oz), I have intense gym and cardio 6/7 days of the week, and recently I've started using silicone jaw exercizers similar to these (link). I have low onset cheekbones. Am I at my genetic limit and should I consider surgery?

Link to image so you don't have to use your imagination (jaw unflexxed)
Lose weight. Stay hydrated. Keep cortisol sorta lowish but not high all the time. ( less holding to water weight) body recomp. Increase T. Mew. Bonesmash zygos? ( idk about that but maybe)

Get older ? ( works for me lol I lose my face fat more and more)
Considering cheekbone filler as well, will have to wait until I'm 18 of course. Probably going to get surgery for my eyes as well.
Eyes? That’s dangerous game brother
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  • #29
Lose weight. Stay hydrated. Keep cortisol sorta lowish but not high all the time. ( less holding to water weight) body recomp. Increase T. Mew. Bonesmash zygos? ( idk about that but maybe)

Get older ? ( works for me lol I lose my face fat more and more)
I'm going to start taking Ashwagandha and I'll do some research on bonesmashing, I've never heard of it. Thank you
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  • #30
Lose weight. Stay hydrated. Keep cortisol sorta lowish but not high all the time. ( less holding to water weight) body recomp. Increase T. Mew. Bonesmash zygos? ( idk about that but maybe)

Get older ? ( works for me lol I lose my face fat more and more)
Is there any evidence bone smashing works? From the little research I've done I think light force may work because of the same logic as lifting weights, but I don't want to punch myself in the cheek. Can I ask what you did when you bonesmashed?
depends on the eye surgery, he could benefit from it. 2 main good ones are canthoplasty and upper eyelid fillers
They are risky tho
Is there any evidence bone smashing works? From the little research I've done I think light force may work because of the same logic as lifting weights, but I don't want to punch myself in the cheek. Can I ask what you did when you bonesmashed?
Only person reports tbh. Nothing scientific.
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  • #37
Only person reports tbh. Nothing scientific.
I'm going to try lightly tapping it with a hammer, nothing that would injure the bone, only the kind of force that would be applied when going to the gym.
What should I do to get hollow cheeks + good jawline? I have been mewing for the past 2-3ish years, I consume around 1000-1500 mg of potassium every day to reduce face fat, I drink 1/2 gal of water every day (now 135oz), I have intense gym and cardio 6/7 days of the week, and recently I've started using silicone jaw exercizers similar to these (link). I have low onset cheekbones. Am I at my genetic limit and should I consider surgery?

Link to image so you don't have to use your imagination (jaw unflexxed)
no salt and facial excersises

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