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how to get rid of a baby face


Aug 25, 2024
having a baby face is a major flaw tbh, I am in uni and sometimes people will ask me if I am still in highschool, also older men treat me with less respect, if I wasnt as tall my life would be very rough due to this issue. I dont understand whats causing this, I know you wont be able to help without a picture but in your opinion what mostly creates the baby face problme and how can it be fixed?
having a baby face is a major flaw tbh, I am in uni and sometimes people will ask me if I am still in highschool, also older men treat me with less respect, if I wasnt as tall my life would be very rough due to this issue. I dont understand whats causing this, I know you wont be able to help without a picture but in your opinion what mostly creates the baby face problme and how can it be fixed?
Could be recessed chin, bloat, high bf %, small head and the list goes on. If you really want help to fix this issue send a pic of urself. Cuz u do want to fix it right?
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  • #13
Could be recessed chin, bloat, high bf %, small head and the list goes on. If you really want help to fix this issue send a pic of urself. Cuz u do want to fix it right?
I wanna post on the rating section but for some reason says "I need to be registered to view"
It might be worth looking into steroids. They help get rid of that boneless and baby fat looking face
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  • #16
It might be worth looking into steroids. They help get rid of that boneless and baby fat looking face
I've been doing shit loads of research on roids for the past like 5 months I know a lot and at my age the risk is just not it to me but I am seriously considering proviron its a dht derivative and will help increase dimsorphism
I've been doing shit loads of research on roids for the past like 5 months I know a lot and at my age the risk is just not it to me but I am seriously considering proviron its a dht derivative and will help increase dimsorphism
How old?

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