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Discussion How to loose weight at 14


New member
Nov 11, 2023
I'm 14 years old, I weight 174 lbs and I am 5'7. I want to loose weight because I am a slow runner and I wanna run faster and I just want to loose weight. I eat 1800 calories a day and I get 10k steps a day. Is this a good routine that will make me loose weight. Soon I will start hitting the gym so I can keep muscle. Please lmk if this is a good routine and someone give me a easy routine for the gym I wanna keep muscles in my quads, biceps, triceps, and shoulders.
Also research more on weight loss i recommend that u watch some Jeff Nippard videos on yt
solid for weight loss, muscle gain, and increasing running speed
is the 10k steps running or walking? bc running is good
make sure to eat healthy and get good sleep that is extremely important for weight loss because if you eat junk food and barely sleep, you will gain a lot of weight
what gender are you? bc at 14 your calorie maintenance may be different and you are still developing
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solid for weight loss, muscle gain, and increasing running speed
is the 10k steps running or walking? bc running is good
make sure to eat healthy and get good sleep that is extremely important for weight loss because if you eat junk food and barely sleep, you will gain a lot of weight
what gender are you? bc at 14 your calorie maintenance may be different and you are still developing
I'm a guy I usually walking 10k but I'm playing basketball everyday for an hour or 2 I barely eat junk food but I don't sleep that much I usually go to bed at 1am and wake up at 10am est, if running is better then I will start doing it.
I'm a guy I usually walking 10k but I'm playing basketball everyday for an hour or 2 I barely eat junk food but I don't sleep that much I usually go to bed at 1am and wake up at 10am est, if running is better then I will start doing it.
nah tbh your routine is fine if you do that, no need to run then
start doing sprints and playing sports. dont worry about fat ur a kid still. If you wanna run fast look up plyometrics.
