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How to meassure facial ratios?


May 12, 2024
Wanted to meassure my facial ratios and dont know what app to use. I tried meassuring with ruler but the results seemed a bit innacurate so with what app do I meassure?
They are irrelevant tbh but you count the pixels
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  • #3
They are irrelevant tbh but you count the pixels
No no I was asking like how to meassure ratios like ipd,icd or esr or stuff like that and meassuring that with the ruler seems innaccurate
No no I was asking like how to meassure ratios like ipd,icd or esr or stuff like that and meassuring that with the ruler seems innaccurate
Measure the pixels on a photo
I’m pretty sure most people do that. It’s really autistic tho
How do I do that tho like I take the picture normally but how do I count the pixels and get the ratio
Take ratio guide off of here or on org use search function
Or determine what ratios are optimal from social media influencers
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  • #10
Or determine what ratios are optimal from social media influencers
Like I dont know how to get the mm or cm out the photo to get the ratio like how do I meassure this stuff out of a normal picture
Like I dont know how to get the mm or cm out the photo to get the ratio like how do I meassure this stuff out of a normal picture
you have to measure your face with ruler first to get smaller dimensions and divide it up
There’s easier way but idk how to do it
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  • #13
There’s easier way but idk how to do it
you have to measure your face with ruler first to get smaller dimensions and divide it up
Appreciate your answer and btw been improving my eye area lately and wanted to work a bit on uee can I use ice cubes for that like ice hooding seen some people say its cope but some say it worked for them does it actually work?
Appreciate your answer and btw been improving my eye area lately and wanted to work a bit on uee can I use ice cubes for that like ice hooding seen some people say its cope but some say it worked for them does it actually work?
You could try it to see if it works for you. Seems to be case to case for most of this looksmaxxing stuff
Also don’t minimize uee if it fits your harmony
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  • #16
Also don’t minimize uee if it fits your harmony
Yes youre right I dont want to get rid of it completely like only have a bit less uee since on the pictures I posted here is a little uee I wanted to get rid off but yes thank you for your help

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