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Method How to quit 🟧⬛ forever


Professional Thugmaxxer ( user)
Sep 12, 2024
the penitentiary
Not sure if this violates guidelines, but I know many people may need help with this. I myself have never actually watched any of it (and i hope I never do) but many friends around me have been affected by it. This idea came from an article I read.

Picture a house in your mind. Every house needs a foundation, which in this case would be your reasoning. The 🟧⬛ is the wind blowing against your house. How is what your doing affecting your life? This thing you watch steals away your precious time. When you could be spending time working, spending time with your family, and many other things in your life, you watch this instead. The house needs a good foundation to keep it standing.

Then you must build the actual house which is your plan. Remember that this action destroys your mind, your attention span, and how you communicate with women. This affect is even stronger if you watch when you are young. Set punishments for yourself if you watch it.

Now, for the most important thing. Quit and do not count your days, but let the days count and forget that you ever watched it. Do not relapse.
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If you don't know what it is. Leave the thread.
Are you talking about porn? It's never effected the way I communicate with women or anyone else. I could bust a huge nut to a rather depraved gangbang video, then immediately go on a date with Lady Amelia Windsor and charm her to bits with absolutely zero shame.
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  • #7
Are you talking about porn? It's never effected the way I communicate with women or anyone else. I could bust a huge nut to a rather depraved gangbang video, then immediately go on a date with Lady Amelia Windsor and charm her to bits with absolutely zero shame.
Well if you don't want to quit, thats your choice. Why are you here?
Are you talking about porn? It's never effected the way I communicate with women or anyone else. I could bust a huge nut to a rather depraved gangbang video, then immediately go on a date with Lady Amelia Windsor and charm her to bits with absolutely zero shame.
it didnt affect the way you communicate with women because you never did
Not sure if this violates guidelines, but I know many people may need help with this. I myself have never actually watched any of it (and i hope I never do) but many friends around me have been affected by it. This idea came from an article I read.

Picture a house in your mind. Every house needs a foundation, which in this case would be your reasoning. The 🟧⬛ is the wind blowing against your house. How is what your doing affecting your life? This thing you watch steals away your precious time. When you could be spending time working, spending time with your family, and many other things in your life, you watch this instead. The house needs a good foundation to keep it standing.

Then you must build the actual house which is your plan. Remember that this action destroys your mind, your attention span, and how you communicate with women. This affect is even stronger if watch young. Set punishments for yourself if you watch it.

Now, for the most important thing. Quit and do not count your days, but let the days count and forget that you ever watched it. Do not relapse.
good thread
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  • #24
You were never a 13 year old boy? When I was in middle school all the pretty girls had been done in my mind, in every scenario possible, more times than I can count.
I can't hold back no more. im sayin it. Freaky ass n***a.
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  • #32
A middle school boy jerking off while thinking about his pretty middle school classmates is freaky? If that's freaky to you then I'd have to say you're the one who's a little bit abnormal.
Bro that is the freakiest thing I have heard a middle schooler do. That is abnormal dog. Stuff like that would get you expelled. Calling what I said abnormal is crazy.
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  • #35
A middle school boy jerking off while thinking about his pretty middle school classmates is freaky? If that's freaky to you then I'd have to say you're the one who's a little bit abnormal.

Freaky ahh forum. Instead of spending time here, yo ahh should be getting escorts instead.
the fuck youre 37 married and you still jerk off and spend time on a looksmaxxing website with an anime pfp??
The profile pic was chosen by and given to me by the admin because I'm unable to upload one myself for some reason on this phone. I wear it with pride.

Anyways, I like these forums. Helping young people and a little bit of trolling to boot.
No. Been holding it in for a long time. And I won't ever do it. But how is this related?
jerking off is supposed to be a placeholder for sexual relationships during puberty

meaning its somehow healthy to do it 1 time a week/2 weeks but without porn as it just decays your brain
The profile pic was chosen by and given to me by the admin because I'm unable to upload one myself for some reason on this phone. I wear it with pride.

Anyways, I like these forums. Helping young people and a little bit of trolling to boot.
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  • #42
jerking off is supposed to be a placeholder for sexual relationships during puberty

meaning its somehow healthy to do it 1 time a week/2 weeks but without porn as it just decays your brain
Sure it's good for you psychologically, but a lot of my friends said that they destroyed their dick doing that. So I had no urge or reason to do it.
Bro that is the freakiest thing I have heard a middle schooler do. That is abnormal dog. Stuff like that would get you expelled. Calling what I said abnormal is crazy.
At home in my bed thinking about a hot girl I saw at school earlier that day is going to get me expelled? How? Does the principal at your school have your bedroom rigged with cameras? Is he able to read your mind?
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  • #45
You both probably have been top teir gooners. Cumming to futa dick 3x a day and think youve reached enlightenment not touching your deathnic dick for a week. Youll crawl back to futa soon
Whatever helps you feel better bud. Keep gooning in your little cave young blud.
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  • #46
At home in my bed thinking about a hot girl I saw at school earlier that day is going to get me expelled? How? Does the principal at your school have your bedroom rigged with cameras? Is he able to read your mind?
Nah just saying that in public. Think bro.
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  • #47
Wasn't this thread supposed to be for quitting this act. Have your discussion on jacking off somewhere else. That wasn't what I made this thread for.
Sure it's good for you psychologically, but a lot of my friends said that they destroyed their dick doing that. So I had no urge or reason to do it.
destroying your dick by masturbating is result of porn and excessive doing

even not doing it at all could result in erectile disfunction if you dont have any sexual relationships, obv not masturbating is the true normality
Whatever helps you feel better bud. Keep gooning in your little cave young blud.
Told you I practice it every monday Only If i dont have sex. Getting this extreme benefit you guys preach about NoFap you have to have a sort of addiction to it. Thats why ive said your a "Top teir gooner" Ive tried nofap and I felt the same i felt if I didnt do it
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  • #50
destroying your dick by masturbating is result of porn and excessive doing

even not doing it at all could result in erectile disfunction if you dont have any sexual relationships, obv not masturbating is the true normality
I've never done it and I do not have disfunction. Not an issue. Although I do understand it could be a problem, doing such an act goes against my religion as well, but even without religion, I still wouldn't do it. A waste of my seed.

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