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Method How to remove as much bloat and make sure it lasts the entire or even get rid of fat completely *no hard maxxing yet*


Jul 2, 2024
I need to know how to remove as much face bloat as possible and make sure it lasts the entire day I'm not sure if it's the surrounding air environment that causes my face to bloat a lot throughout the day but it also sucks what a way to remove as much face fat as possible is I gained some face by bulking but I lost a little bit.

the image below is the most random one I can find which showed me stretching out my cheeks
i would say just lose bf% in general. you can do it by resistance training, slight caloric deficit, and sufficient protein intake. MAJOR emphasis on protein and resistance training. it takes a long time but you will get there with consistency. quick fixes aren’t all that. losing bf% takes many months. lean is lawπŸ™.
I need to know how to remove as much face bloat as possible and make sure it lasts the entire day I'm not sure if it's the surrounding air environment that causes my face to bloat a lot throughout the day but it also sucks what a way to remove as much face fat as possible is I gained some face by bulking but I lost a little bit.

the image below is the most random one I can find which showed me stretching out my cheeks
Facial bloating isn't influenced by the environment; it’s more about your diet and overall health.

Drink Water: Stay hydrated to flush out excess fluids.
Reduce Sodium: Cut down on salt to prevent water retention.
Eat Healthy: Focus on fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.
Exercise Regularly: Helps with overall fluid balance and circulation.
Get Enough Sleep: Adequate rest helps reduce puffiness.

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  • #7
i would say y body fat percentage is very low but my face just bloats when I sleep and bloats throughout the day
i would say just lose bf% in general. you can do it by resistance training, slight caloric deficit, and sufficient protein intake. MAJOR emphasis on protein and resistance training. it takes a long time but you will get there with consistency. quick fixes aren’t all that. losing bf% takes many months. lean is la

i would say just lose bf% in general. you can do it by resistance training, slight caloric deficit, and sufficient protein intake. MAJOR emphasis on protein and resistance training. it takes a long time but you will get there with consistency. quick fixes aren’t all that. losing bf% takes many months. lean is lawπŸ™.
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  • #8
Facial bloating isn't influenced by the environment; it’s more about your diet and overall health.

Drink Water: Stay hydrated to flush out excess fluids.
Reduce Sodium: Cut down on salt to prevent water retention.
Eat Healthy: Focus on fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.
Exercise Regularly: Helps with overall fluid balance and circulation.
Get Enough Sleep: Adequate rest helps reduce puffiness.

How much water also what increases soduim and what increases potassium
exercise is something i do 3 times a week
How much water also what increases soduim and what increases potassium
exercise is something i do 3 times a week
Drink at least 1.5L of water daily, or ideally 2L. If you sweat a lot due to training, drink 2.5-3L a day.

Salty foods increase sodium levels. To boost potassium, eat foods like cantaloupe, honeydew melon, orange juice, and bananas. You can also buy potassium powder or pills.
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  • #12
Drink at least 1.5L of water daily, or ideally 2L. If you sweat a lot due to training, drink 2.5-3L a day.

Salty foods increase sodium levels. To boost potassium, eat foods like cantaloupe, honeydew melon, orange juice, and bananas. You can also buy potassium powder or pills.
thank you this is great ill before to eat less salty food and ice my face with good rest and water thx btw I made a tiktok if u also wanna talk there the name is also black adam
The easiest way to lose weight is to do cardio and exercise, while consuming calories below your maintenance. However the best way that I would recommend is to eat a more natural diet;(of mostly non processed whole food animal based products and fruit to add some other stuff in)
The easiest way to lose weight is to do cardio and exercise, while consuming calories below your maintenance. However the best way that I would recommend is to eat a more natural diet;(of mostly non processed whole food animal based products and fruit to add some other stuff in)
If done correctly, you will obtain more health indicators in your face and be debloated, as well as lean if you stick to it
how do i measure it?
Look up images of different levels of body fat in men and see what you look the closest to.
Also you can get calipers to measure the fat at different places on your body and then put it into a calculator. Or just do a dexa scan.
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  • #17
Look up images of different levels of body fat in men and see what you look the closest to.
Also you can get calipers to measure the fat at different places on your body and then put it into a calculator. Or just do a dexa scan.
15 percent to 20
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  • #18
The easiest way to lose weight is to do cardio and exercise, while consuming calories below your maintenance. However the best way that I would recommend is to eat a more natural diet;(of mostly non processed whole food animal based products and fruit to add some other stuff in)
i started doing that and intaking more potassium noticed a difference plus with drinking more water and then cutting on water

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