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Guide How to : Sexmaxxing 2.0


The non-official Dr of looksmaxxing
May 22, 2024
Based on my most popular Reddit post.

Alongside with looks, i think sex, especially very good sex is still taboo in the blackpill/looksmaxxing community. So here my opinion to improve that cheatcode who outforms money and frame.

The one and only possible antidote for genuine love & respect, and against cheating & break-up

Imo there are 3 important factors to learn and master asap :

1st : All the things during sex where women's genitals aren't involved

2nd : Being able to makes her cum without using your dick

3rd : Being able to makes her cum using your dick


1/ Foreplay : Dirty Talk, Dominant Frame and touching/kissing her whole body.

In order to increase her arousal into oblivion and increasing the woman's genitals sensitivity.
She needs to be relaxed and thinking about you and imaginating the sex interaction with you.
The orgasm comes from the mind.

Massages, touching, kissing her whole body and the erogenous parts of her body, while telling her with a deep voice in her ear how much she is sexy, beautiful, she smells good etc.

Don't rush it. Women like that, and can even cum from it.

In a dominant frame, she is here to relax, you take the control

2/ Being able to makes her cum without using your dick.

While transitionning foreplay into oral sex, you need to focus on the clitoris and the G-spot (even the anus).
Don't be affraid to focus on her for a long time, because she need to cum first.

She don't "deserves" it if she isn't a good girl or if she didn't treat you right. But just bust your nut in few minutes without taking care of her 1st, and hoping she will see you as the "alpha" or "Chad" is delusional af. And relying on her toys to finish the job is the best way for the frustration, and searching for that man elsewhere, able to do the job you didn't want to, because it's not "alpha" enough)

Don't hesitate to tell her she can guide you, if you want.
She'll probably have a refractory period after an orgasm, but she will go crazy for you after that.

The only book i recommend for oral sex techniques is "Bliss Club" from the author June Pla. Everything is explained.

3/ The most complicated one : Being able to makes her cum using you dick

It depends on multiple factors like :

A/ If you are in shape : How good is your cardio, did you master the high intensity thrusting ? Try 30min H.I.I.T cardio while using exercises like Hindu Squats, Hindu Push-ups, Kettlebell swings, Jumping Jacks, Sandbag carries etc... Anyways i will post a whole TrainingMaxxing post, focusing on the essentials parts, in order to improve relationships with women.

The goal is, being able to have a healthy heart and blood flow, for harder erections and fucking for a long time, without being tired while maintainning crazy positions. The breathing tip only works if you have the cardio.

B/ The curvature of your penis : A upward or downward curve, is the best tool to reach and put pressure on the sweet spots of the vagina without hurting the cervix

C/ The length and the girth of the penis. You need to be around 6x5 to 8x6 to meet the ideal penis standards for most women. Past that size this is too big imo, too much prep, less benefits.

Women tend to focus on girth for the filling sensation.

I will post a whole dickmaxxing post in the future.

D/ The Stamina : How much time can you perform without blasting ?
You need to train that as well by :

--> Doing erect weighted kegels and reverse kegels, for a strong pelvic floor, useful to perform dry orgasms and continue the deed. And a relaxed pelvic floor to perform longer.

--> Stamina training, on a impopular opinion, by using a Fleshlight and "cock hero" non p.i.v porn videos. There are instructions and a tempo to follow.

The ideal stamina time is around ~30mins for most women.

*Using a fleshlight increases the sensations, and using soft porn make you less likely to cheat and lasting longer than expected real life, because IRL you will be exposed to a naked woman right in front of you.*

--> Short term solutions like blasting a nut before the date or pinching your inner leg before the non-return point of ejaculation.

*You need to be able to control your excitation, even under a high stimulation*

E/ The Erection Quality : Eating vegetables like cauliflower and beetroots soups, eating healthy fats like olive oil, cutting sugar, doing cardio, using cialis or L-citrulline, abstinence, stopping unrealistic porn, mindset, arousal, anxiety etc. Nosebreathing improves erections too, by increasing your N.O production

D/ What did you do during thrusting : Moaning, dirty talking, kissing, choking, rubbing her clitoris, her butthole, using her favorite toys, etc
Based on my most popular Reddit post.

Alongside with looks, i think sex, especially very good sex is still taboo in the blackpill/looksmaxxing community. So here my opinion to improve that cheatcode who outforms money and frame.

The one and only possible antidote for genuine love & respect, and against cheating & break-up

Imo there are 3 important factors to learn and master asap :

1st : All the things during sex where women's genitals aren't involved

2nd : Being able to makes her cum without using your dick

3rd : Being able to makes her cum using your dick


1/ Foreplay : Dirty Talk, Dominant Frame and touching/kissing her whole body.

In order to increase her arousal into oblivion and increasing the woman's genitals sensitivity.
She needs to be relaxed and thinking about you and imaginating the sex interaction with you.
The orgasm comes from the mind.

Massages, touching, kissing her whole body and the erogenous parts of her body, while telling her with a deep voice in her ear how much she is sexy, beautiful, she smells good etc.

Don't rush it. Women like that, and can even cum from it.

In a dominant frame, she is here to relax, you take the control

2/ Being able to makes her cum without using your dick.

While transitionning foreplay into oral sex, you need to focus on the clitoris and the G-spot (even the anus).
Don't be affraid to focus on her for a long time, because she need to cum first.

She don't "deserves" it if she isn't a good girl or if she didn't treat you right. But just bust your nut in few minutes without taking care of her 1st, and hoping she will see you as the "alpha" or "Chad" is delusional af. And relying on her toys to finish the job is the best way for the frustration, and searching for that man elsewhere, able to do the job you didn't want to, because it's not "alpha" enough)

Don't hesitate to tell her she can guide you, if you want.
She'll probably have a refractory period after an orgasm, but she will go crazy for you after that.

The only book i recommend for oral sex techniques is "Bliss Club" from the author June Pla. Everything is explained.

3/ The most complicated one : Being able to makes her cum using you dick

It depends on multiple factors like :

A/ If you are in shape : How good is your cardio, did you master the high intensity thrusting ? Try 30min H.I.I.T cardio while using exercises like Hindu Squats, Hindu Push-ups, Kettlebell swings, Jumping Jacks, Sandbag carries etc... Anyways i will post a whole TrainingMaxxing post, focusing on the essentials parts, in order to improve relationships with women.

The goal is, being able to have a healthy heart and blood flow, for harder erections and f*****g for a long time, without being tired while maintainning crazy positions. The breathing tip only works if you have the cardio.

B/ The curvature of your penis : A upward or downward curve, is the best tool to reach and put pressure on the sweet spots of the vagina without hurting the cervix

C/ The length and the girth of the penis. You need to be around 6x5 to 8x6 to meet the ideal penis standards for most women. Past that size this is too big imo, too much prep, less benefits.

Women tend to focus on girth for the filling sensation.

I will post a whole dickmaxxing post in the future.

D/ The Stamina : How much time can you perform without blasting ?
You need to train that as well by :

--> Doing erect weighted kegels and reverse kegels, for a strong pelvic floor, useful to perform dry orgasms and continue the deed. And a relaxed pelvic floor to perform longer.

--> Stamina training, on a impopular opinion, by using a Fleshlight and "cock hero" non p.i.v porn videos. There are instructions and a tempo to follow.

The ideal stamina time is around ~30mins for most women.

*Using a fleshlight increases the sensations, and using soft porn make you less likely to cheat and lasting longer than expected real life, because IRL you will be exposed to a naked woman right in front of you.*

--> Short term solutions like blasting a nut before the date or pinching your inner leg before the non-return point of ejaculation.

*You need to be able to control your excitation, even under a high stimulation*

E/ The Erection Quality : Eating vegetables like cauliflower and beetroots soups, eating healthy fats like olive oil, cutting sugar, doing cardio, using cialis or L-citrulline, abstinence, stopping unrealistic porn, mindset, arousal, anxiety etc. Nosebreathing improves erections too, by increasing your N.O production

D/ What did you do during thrusting : Moaning, dirty talking, kissing, choking, rubbing her clitoris, her butthole, using her favorite toys, etc
Reddit ahh thread
I will never read this thread u shouldn't post it here
can i get a lady to confirm all this info? do yall really like it up the ass or sm
@Wassup5 @tami_26
Women don't have a g spot up their ass. Only men do. I'm a virgin so I can't fact check this from first hand experience but from what I've heard from other girls most of og post is accurate except the up the ass thing. Not that pleasurable for women.
can i get a lady to confirm all this info? do yall really like it up the ass or sm
@Wassup5 @tami_26
most women dont not prefer it in the ass unless they r trying to b risky or kinky or into bdsm (it hurts and doesn't have a gspot there).Im a virgin but stats and being around other girls I can say the foreplay and aftercare is important and can make or break the sex,also most women don't cum/orgasm from just the dick so try to stimulate the nerve endings (there is many ways,just sticking your dick there isn't doing all that much for her) and finding a rhythm is also good I hear,again tho I'm a virgin so I cant say from first hand experience.
Women don't have a g spot up their ass. Only men do. I'm a virgin so I can't fact check this from first hand experience but from what I've heard from other girls most of og post is accurate except the up the ass thing. Not that pleasurable for women.
most women dont not prefer it in the ass unless they r trying to b risky or kinky or into bdsm (it hurts and doesn't have a gspot there).Im a virgin but stats and being around other girls I can say the foreplay and aftercare is important and can make or break the sex,also most women don't cum/orgasm from just the dick so try to stimulate the nerve endings (there is many ways,just sticking your dick there isn't doing all that much for her) and finding a rhythm is also good I hear,again tho I'm a virgin so I cant say from first hand experience.
Prostate is men only 😡❌
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  • #22
False, a lot of women like butthole and anal stimulation. It's just men who don't prep them correctly. Actually a woman's butthole share the same nerves with the clitoris and the top inner wall of the vagina : the g-spot. Thats why a lot of women like to be the anus stimulated (licking, fingering etc) to reach a blended orgasm, while the clitoris and the g-spot is stimulated with fingers or toys.

A thin layer of skin separates the intestines/anus from their vagina, while using your dick correctly, you can stimulate the g-spot, and stimulating at least the deep spot called the p-spot, without being limited by the cervix.

That's why some women (future mothers of your kids) like to get railed by 2 dicks. The sensations are overwhelming.

But i agree with y'all, it needs alot of prep, a lot of women refuses because they was hurt in the past.

And don't put your dick/tongue in shit, obviously.
False, a lot of women like butthole and anal stimulation. It's just men who don't prep them correctly. Actually a woman's butthole share the same nerves with the clitoris and the top inner wall of the vagina : the g-spot. Thats why a lot of women like to be the anus stimulated (licking, fingering etc) to reach a blended orgasm, while the clitoris and the g-spot is stimulated with fingers or toys.

A thin layer of skin separates the intestines/anus from their vagina, while using your dick correctly, you can stimulate the g-spot, and stimulating at least the deep spot called the p-spot, without being limited by the cervix.

That's why some women (future mothers of your kids) like to get railed by 2 dicks. The sensations are overwhelming.

But i agree with y'all, it needs alot of prep, a lot of women refuses because they was hurt in the past.

And don't put your dick/tongue in shit, obviously.
the p-spot doesnt exist for woman as we don't have a prostate,men do tho
the p-spot doesnt exist for woman as we don't have a prostate,men do tho
yes tami is right it does not biologically make sense, it is more evolutionarily smarter to have piv bc of reproductive sucess
if everyone was railing butts and it felt so good the population would be smaller
and in the end natural selection will win bc one woman that enjoys piv will have more kids and then those genes will continue until most pop enjoys piv
piv is most sucessful and it is simple logic @TonyTheLooksmaxxDR
yes tami is right it does not biologically make sense, it is more evolutionarily smarter to have piv bc of reproductive sucess
if everyone was railing butts and it felt so good the population would be smaller
and in the end natural selection will win bc one woman that enjoys piv will have more kids and then those genes will continue until most pop enjoys piv
piv is most sucessful and it is simple logic @TonyTheLooksmaxxDR
agreeable,in the ass would only feel good because the ass in near vaginal nerves so I don't get why someone wouldn't just put in the vagina where the nerves r at
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  • #27
the p-spot doesnt exist for woman as we don't have a prostate,men do tho
The p-spot exists, it's called the posterior fornix orgasm, alongside the anterior fornix orgasm (a-spot), so called "deep spots" because you need a big dick to reach it

To compare, the g-spot of women is simillar to the men's prostate.
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  • #28
agreeable,in the ass would only feel good because the ass in near vaginal nerves so I don't get why someone wouldn't just put in the vagina where the nerves r at
At this point, the foreplay and oral sex are also useless, because it doesn't matters for reproduction ? Just like anal, it's a part of woman's pleasure. Raw dogging a woman for 2 minutes and hoping she doesn't developp frustration and resentment for you, even if you are a Chad, is a wild bold take
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  • #29
yes tami is right it does not biologically make sense, it is more evolutionarily smarter to have piv bc of reproductive sucess
if everyone was railing butts and it felt so good the population would be smaller
and in the end natural selection will win bc one woman that enjoys piv will have more kids and then those genes will continue until most pop enjoys piv
piv is most sucessful and it is simple logic @TonyTheLooksmaxxDR
I think women's pleasure is more important today than reproduction
I think women's pleasure is more important today than reproduction
pleasure-> stimulation of sexual organs, aka penis and vagina-> child
in the past it was efficent to raw dog for 2 mins bc faster sex->secured semen
if you spend more time fucking then danger like predators come, so men have to be quick. women have longer orgasms bc they want to be sexually open for longer
nowadays there is less threats, so people can take their time and do foreplay and oral
also oral supplies you with nutrients, if shes not gonna get pregnant she will at least get the protein from your cum and vice versa when you eat her pussy
anal has no benefits and back then if you went dry you would bleed, while oral has saliva
At this point, the foreplay and oral sex are also useless, because it doesn't matters for reproduction ? Just like anal, it's a part of woman's pleasure. Raw dogging a woman for 2 minutes and hoping she doesn't developp frustration and resentment for you, even if you are a Chad, is a wild bold take
thats not what i meant,oral sex still hits vaginal nerves and foreplay gets a women in the mood (women the mental part of sex is super important).The ass has less nerves most of the pleasure comes from the asshole being near the vagina
thats not what i meant,oral sex still hits vaginal nerves and foreplay gets a women in the mood (women the mental part of sex is super important).The ass has less nerves most of the pleasure comes from the asshole being near the vagina
Freaky ahh thread
no one needs a guide on how to have a natural act like sex, we are all born knowing how to do it
just have a big dick and be chad
easier said than done when youre an anime girl