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how to stay dedicated???


Jan 8, 2025
Georgia, USA
Instagram: eternalpeace_01
title. how the hell do i stay dedicated to looksmaxxing? disciplinemaxxing? i splurged on some fast food on saturday after eating mainly whole foods for a few days, then spiraled out of control the following two days. just want to be able to stay consistent with this without making it a problem for myself.
Why do you think you splurge.
good question. honestly i have two ideas in my head about it, either permanent or temporary.
1. temporary: i hope that it's temporary, and in this case maybe the splurge was caused because of my high sodium intake american diet before and my body adapting to the sudden change of low sodium, low carb, mostly whole foods. idk what other peoples experience with this is but maybe after i do the diet long enough my body will be more used to it.
2. permanent: my other guess is that its a more permanent thing i have to deal with. in this case its probably caused by not enough intake of sodium or sugar. i saw Whitepill saying you should have a small amount of sodium in your diet to prevent splurges, but i was doing that and still splurged. (obviously diff stuff works for diff ppl tho, not tryna put down his methods or anything). if it is more permanent, then ima just have to get better self control which i dont rlly have any of right now if im being honest.
good question. honestly i have two ideas in my head about it, either permanent or temporary.
1. temporary: i hope that it's temporary, and in this case maybe the splurge was caused because of my high sodium intake american diet before and my body adapting to the sudden change of low sodium, low carb, mostly whole foods. idk what other peoples experience with this is but maybe after i do the diet long enough my body will be more used to it.
2. permanent: my other guess is that its a more permanent thing i have to deal with. in this case its probably caused by not enough intake of sodium or sugar. i saw Whitepill saying you should have a small amount of sodium in your diet to prevent splurges, but i was doing that and still splurged. (obviously diff stuff works for diff ppl tho, not tryna put down his methods or anything). if it is more permanent, then ima just have to get better self control which i dont rlly have any of right now if im being honest.
Brother, Child, Baby ur not supposed to enjoy it. It's not supposed to be easy or preferable to how you used to eat. There is not going to be a scientific way that'll make you like this process. You have to be prepared and accept that you are going to hate it.

Discipline is usually caused by genetic traits like high iq, or high conscientiousness, if you don't have those things then it's upbringing and/or negative reinforcement. Those are the only ways that discipline is easiest.
Brother, Child, Baby ur not supposed to enjoy it. It's not supposed to be easy or preferable to how you used to eat. There is not going to be a scientific way that'll make you like this process. You have to be prepared and accept that you are going to hate it.

Discipline is usually caused by genetic traits like high iq, or high conscientiousness, if you don't have those things then it's upbringing and/or negative reinforcement. Those are the only ways that discipline is easiest.