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Discussion How to teach children to mew

constantly tell them to keep their mouth closed when it's open and they'll do it naturally.
constantly tell them to keep their mouth closed when it's open and they'll do it naturally.
Lol should I buy the lip seal tape once I have kids so they won't even mouthbreathe at night? Like I'll make sure they backsleep and nosebreathe
Lol should I buy the lip seal tape once I have kids so they won't even mouthbreathe at night? Like I'll make sure they backsleep and nosebreathe
lip seal tape is unnecessary. I've heard that back sleeping is cope, the natural way is too switch sides regularly.
lip seal tape is unnecessary. I've heard that back sleeping is cope, the natural way is too switch sides regularly.
It’s not unnecessary if it ensures they don't mouthbreathe at all. Btw no its not true although I can't backsleep myself anymore due to side sleeping habit it's better for brachycephalic/mesocephalic skull instead of gay dolichocephalic alien skull till the age of 10. After that there's no noticeable difference. I can send the thread on lookism dude they noticed an increase in brachycephalics because of the promotion of back sleeping
I showed my younger brother one of those mouth breathing before and after videos and it got the message across. I remind him every so often anyway.
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It’s not unnecessary if it ensures they don't mouthbreathe at all. Btw no its not true although I can't backsleep myself anymore due to side sleeping habit it's better for brachycephalic/mesocephalic skull instead of gay dolichocephalic alien skull till the age of 10. After that there's no noticeable difference. I can send the thread on lookism dude they noticed an increase in brachycephalics because of the promotion of back sleeping
change the environment. move somewhere rural.
They need to have sufficient tongue space in the first place so their tongue can fit comfortably
you're born with enough space
lol evidently not, thats why the mews do what they do. the first stage of treatment involves creating tongue space and the second phase involves teaching them to make use of the available space. without the crucial first phase everything would relapse
lol evidently not, thats why the mews do what they do. the first stage of treatment involves creating tongue space and the second phase involves teaching them to make use of the available space. without the crucial first phase everything would relapse
when you're born. BEFORE YOU EVEN HAVE TEETH.