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Rage I’m an

HIGH TIER NORMIE WITH GOOD APPEAL. i’m pissed off right now at this shit, HOW DOES HE THINK HES UGLY???
well shit then he has body dysmorphia
@Dandelions , mirin htn status with cl potential
Plot twist: we've all been wrong the whole time. I'm actually cl, you're stacylite, everyone of this forum is a larper. It began for everyone.
I've always had the off feeling that everyone here is a larp via
1. these are government officials speaking to me rn
2. trannies
3. foids
4. chads and stacies as you said
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this is fair, i wouldn’t believe it at all either with all his posts and the way he talks about his experiences and getting leaner.
Once I get lean it’s over though fr I think I have B or maybe even A tier bones and forward growth
Cope, I distinctly remember you saying in June that at peak you were high mtn
yeah probably. ive had ups and downs. at heart however, i feel subhuman
& subhuman smv with foids

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