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Experience I am down, soldier is down.


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2024
I have learned to not simp, not fell in love, and developed techniques for not doing it and to dew with that.

Still, however, I just simped a user on this forum a few minutes ago. :copium: . This should not had happened. I was past this. I think a specific shared experienced was the cause for my weakness.

I don't know what I should had done to avoid that. I am confused.
I have learned to not simp, not fell in love, and developed techniques for not doing it and to dew with that.

Still, however, I just simped a user on this forum a few minutes ago. :copium: . This should not had happened. I was past this. I think a specific shared experienced was the cause for my weakness.

I don't know what I should had done to avoid that. I am confused.
I have learned to not simp, not fell in love, and developed techniques for not doing it and to dew with that.

Still, however, I just simped a user on this forum a few minutes ago. :copium: . This should not had happened. I was past this. I think a specific shared experienced was the cause for my weakness.

I don't know what I should had done to avoid that. I am confused.
i was born with what u had to learn

i am becoming quite opposite what i used to be since 2024
before that i did not much intensity in my emotions
i never cried or felt glad or fear
but recently i am starting to love females after i watched animes and i feel bad after seeing torture videos and i am more of a normal person

i hate it and i love it that its happening
i hate it cause i am not stone cold aggressive narcy n****r anymore

and i love it cause am becoming a more understanding and a reasonable person and normal and females disgust or anger me much less now

even if u become like my old self nothing will be better people will just despise u even more

being a good person who has a sense of right and wrong and isn't afraid to retaliate against bad things is the best u can be
but its overrated

so be a normal person and live life normally

being a simp is still bad but acceptable if u don't over do it
I have learned to not simp, not fell in love, and developed techniques for not doing it and to dew with that.

Still, however, I just simped a user on this forum a few minutes ago. :copium: . This should not had happened. I was past this. I think a specific shared experienced was the cause for my weakness.

I don't know what I should had done to avoid that. I am confused.
I'll tell you what you should have done. You should have pimped that user. Should have made her go out there and walk the blade for real.
not by choice i think
You can partially choose your surroundings and circumstances. Also, you can concentrate your thoughts on certain topics

According to a psychiatrist, I have strong narcissistic tendencies. I got them after diving deep into conspiracy theories, nazism, white supremacy and a lot of smurfing with egirls in League of Legends(XD)

Although that probably only pushed the already existing roots of narcissism, still these things def helped with that
You can partially choose your surroundings and circumstances. Also, you can concentrate your thoughts on certain topics

According to a psychiatrist, I have strong narcissistic tendencies. I got them after diving deep into conspiracy theories, nazism, white supremacy and a lot of smurfing with egirls in League of Legends(XD)

Although that probably only pushed the already existing roots of narcissism, still these things def helped with that
i can tell
You can partially choose your surroundings and circumstances. Also, you can concentrate your thoughts on certain topics

According to a psychiatrist, I have strong narcissistic tendencies. I got them after diving deep into conspiracy theories, nazism, white supremacy and a lot of smurfing with egirls in League of Legends(XD)

Although that probably only pushed the already existing roots of narcissism, still these things def helped with that
ur face doesn't suit ur behaviour

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