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I don’t know how people see ugly guys dating hot women. I don’t see that.


Aug 18, 2024
United States
Supposedly I’m supposed to see 5’2 balding Indian janitors with warts all over their face and body dating Victoria secret models.:copium: But I just don’t see that. :monkahmm:The only ugly people I see are old fat people but they’re usually dating other old fat people. Also they were probably better looking in their younger days
I mean, for something based on what you're describing I can only imagine there would be some kind of benefit. Like money or a will or something. Especially if the dude is like 20+ years older than the woman. Usually it's because they want something. I'm also not sure what the goal of this post is, if you could explain so I could understand better, I might have something helpful to say-!
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I mean, for something based on what you're describing I can only imagine there would be some kind of benefit. Like money or a will or something. Especially if the dude is like 20+ years older than the woman. Usually it's because they want something. I'm also not sure what the goal of this post is, if you could explain so I could understand better, I might have something helpful to say-!
I’m just venting. It seems like a common argument people use to prove looks don’t matter but I just feel like they’re lying
I’m just venting. It seems like a common argument people use to prove looks don’t matter but I just feel like they’re lying
I see it all the time, I really don't believe this hypergamy bs. 90% of the couples I see IRL the guy is uglier than the girl
I’m just venting. It seems like a common argument people use to prove looks don’t matter but I just feel like they’re lying
Ohhh ohh I see I see now, I'm not the best at picking up on cues so, my apologies.

I think looks do and don't matter. They matter when it comes to how 1, you treat and feel about yourself. 2, Society and what society deems 'acceptable/non-acceptable' and overall respect. There is DEFINITELY an impact when it comes to appearance though, that's why we're here, right? We don't feel good enough, so, here we are trying to unlock the best of ourselves.

I think when it comes to getting a partner you don't have to be the MOST attractive person literally ever, but I do not think someone like gorlock could walk away with someone rated a 10. I think it also has a lot to do with attitude/ego/and how you project it onto others.

Someone who maybe is not attractive by any means, who's also a bitch will not get anyone, like ever. At least I wouldn't think so. You could also be a literal walking Greek statue, but have an ugly personality, which is also another turn off for a lot of people, especially females.

There's like this weird unwritten expectation/rule females have when it comes to the ratio of "nurturing protector" and "bad-boy dare devil." Too nurturing, and you're too soft and soggy; they think its boring. Too "bad" and they think you're a douche-bag pervert or something. The kind they talk trash about and claim are "all men."

Whether you're smoking hot, attractive, mid, or average, maybe even below average, as long as you can balance your personality I think you'd have a better chance than someone of the same boat with a personality that ruins their attractiveness/worsens their un-attractiveness.

Its already a better start to have that mentality. No one likes a rich guy who boasts his money. So, I'd think no one would want to be around someone overly pretentious about themselves. Arrogance is not really well-taken from what I've seen. Be cool, be stoic, and don't puff your chest out like a chihuahua trying to size-up a larger dog. Work on yourself, and work hard. Come to love every part of what you see in the mirror and live life the best you can. It might take a long ass time, but it'll be worth it.

I, by all means, do not think I am considered attractive. I would never use that term to describe me. I believe I am below average, and I have a lot of work to do. A LOTTT of work to do. I don't have money either, so, I couldn't even be a sugar daddy if I wanted to, which, I wouldn't recommend because that's not real love anyway. I don't see the point in wasting time paying someone to fake love you, its kinda sad. It would not make me happy. Real love is definitely more fulfilling by MILES.

I met the right girl at the right time, said the right things (I didn't even chase her, she actually chased me) and we started dating after being friends for two months. The 29th is actually our anniversary, then we'll be looking towards 6 years being together. We sleep in the same bed every night, and share the same room and everything. I have no idea how I got here, but if someone like me can pull someone like my girl, then, I don't think all hope is lost. If you dig through my threads you'll find a pic of her and I.

When it comes to your journey I would personally recommend you do it from a place of wanting to feel better in your skin first, rather than solely to impress others. That should come after. The most important thing is that you're happy with yourself, your efforts and the time you put into becoming a chad or whatever it is you desire.

Something something, you first, then others. You're doing this for your confidence and your life, for your happiness and your ego. Females like a man who's confident and collected with himself. Being insecure is something a lot of girls dislike, an unfortunate reality. To have a good relationship, you need to know who you are and what you stand for, without second-guessing it all. It definitely impacts a relationship if you're lost. A lot has happened for me in 5 years, a lot of lessons learned and a lot of patience. A lot of self-work and a lot of growing up.

If you do everything you want to do, and come to a place where you're healthier, happier, your body is in better shape, you're taking better care of yourself. Where you actually like your surroundings, want to explore, want to breathe, want to have a social life and put effort into friends, careers, family, then you will find yourself a much better person both physically and mentally from where you started. Looking back you will have changed probably more than you'll come to realize, as long as you stick to your principle and keep walking towards your "perfect you."

Sorry if my words are unhelpful, but know they come from a place of good intention.
Supposedly I’m supposed to see 5’2 balding Indian janitors with warts all over their face and body dating Victoria secret models.:copium: But I just don’t see that. :monkahmm:The only ugly people I see are old fat people but they’re usually dating other old fat people. Also they were probably better looking in their younger days
Maybe you ought to go out and get a pair of glasses. Do you know what I mean?
Remember that woman hypergamy is working, so they date him for his long term safety first : money, house, able to raise future kids. Betabuxx into oblivion

Women are extremely insecure as well : despite wanting to sleep with the Chaddest of Chads and being attracted to handsome dudes, most women don't want to deal with Chads long term or caught feelings or pair bonding with them because they has other female options and many sidechicks. And these guys really don't commit either.

But in few cases, they give the ugly dude a chance and this mf has a good dick and/or know how to eat pussy
Can vouch, as a poor excuse of a guy, 1, good dick does wonders, knowing how to use it, and knowing how to eat + aftercare. MOST IMPORTANTLY how you address wanting sex. Don't treat her like an object or an asset. Let her approach first. If she wants you to approach first, don't fucking make it everyday unless instructed to.

Some girls don't like being sex dolls, it makes them feel less. Communication is like everything. Figure out what she likes, and how she wants it. Never be fake. Never fake an orgasm. Be transparent and honest, without being a douche or a wet sock. Also respect her periods. If you help her during her periods/help her with pain/run to the store if she needs/be patient with her/attend her cravings, etc. It all improves intimacy so much. Never rely on sex to hold your relationship together, that's toxic.

My gf lives under my roof, but we have a system where our bank accounts don't matter. We combine both of them, so, if she needs cash I have it, if I need cash she has it, and it's never an argument or anything. We understand that we have roles to play. I buy her gifts when I want to, it doesnt matter what the price is, even if its from the dollar store, she gets really excited that I thought of her.

Acknowledge this, and continue to feed this by surprising her with little trinkets she might have been talking about, ingredients for a recipe she might have wanted to try, or take her to a place she's been curious about. It doesn't even have to cost money. Has she been talking about a movie? Watch it, snuggle, don't advance her unless she advances you (sexually).

Been talking about a new hobby? Research it with her, make plans, inspire her ideas, build off them, allow her to get excited and passionate about them. As long as the hobby isn't harmful or whatever.

Take her outside, picnics, walks, drives through nice areas. My girl really likes it when we drive past newly built houses, and talk about what kind of house we'd like when we're older.

She's not spoiled, not a gold digger. Right now we are struggling to pay the bills, and our relationship is just as solid. We are not built off money, and she isn't with me for a benefit of that kind. She loves me because I love her and she's confident that I do, vice versa.

She likes to alternate payment, so, if I buy dinner one night, she'll want to either pay the tip or cover the next meal. (I never let her but sometimes she wins) Be playful, being playful is crucial to keeping the mood light. But don't dismiss things that should be taken more seriously.

I don't control her unless it's something that needs genuine correction, like pointing out a red flag in another guy coworker or telling her she needs to stop talking to someone because they want to take advantage of her, when they clearly do. DO NOT freak out or command a woman. Talk reasonably, and rationally.

I help her, I listen, I spend time with her, I give her space if she wants, I help her figure things out when she doesn't know where to start/she's struggling. I help her figure out what to eat. When she's upset, we get a drink from like dunkin or something. If she's not having a good day, I get her, her favorite food.

I have a good relationship with her parents and her younger siblings. Her mom loves me, her father, despite my flaws, respects me and finds me intelligent (his words) and believes I have good motives with her. Her little brother really likes me, loves to hang out and play games here and there and her little sister is a little shy, but she also likes me.

When I'm around her parents, I always offer to help out with the kids, or, if we're in public and they wander I don't hesitate, I'm the first to run after them and keep them within my reach just in case. --Her MOM REALLY really appreciated it when I helped her find clothes for them in their sizes when she needed to go back to school shopping, etc.

Gestures like that, respecting the dynamic of her family and doing my best to make use of my presence instead of being a nuisance/in the way. Making my gf feel appreciated, comfortable, satisfied, and stable are the most important things. All while not being overbearing, annoying, etc. I try to stay laid back and open minded, while also being quite assertive in a respectful manner.

Respecting the parents and giving them the etiquette they believe in, proves to your girl that you're committed and willing to settle. If she really wants to be with you, that would be an attractive factor.

Another one would be, if your girl wants to start a family with you, and she really does want to settle with you, if you have younger family members that are toddlers, or infants, women really like seeing their man prove they can be a good father.

When I went to visit my sister to help her with her daughter, around 10mo, I brought my GF with. I offered to watch/take over the baby for awhile so my sister could breathe a little bit.

Interacting, yknow playing with the baby, making her laugh, making sure she was okay when eating, giving her water, the way you speak to a child/how you behave around a child. If you're like, actually trying to cater to that child, it shows.

After we left my sister's, my gf was telling me about how attractive she thought it was when I was watching the baby, because it made her think of what we could have in the future and she thinks it's cute/hot that I have fatherly qualities she can rely on, and feels comfortable knowing I can handle taking on that responsibility. Women who want to settle, love babies.

If you're stiff and uncomfortable around a baby/can't hold a baby/don't know what to do with a baby, she's probably not going to be too into that. It's not a great look. You're gunna lose points.

It's all about effort. If you really love someone, and they really love you, then there is always a compromise. EVERY COUPLE has its moments, sometimes you may disagree, but it's how you handle it that matters.

Don't be soggy, don't be cold. Don't make her feel jealous, don't let her feel insecure about your relationship. Help her feel confident in your faith, and make sure both parties trust and believe in one another.

Doubt. Will. Ruin. You. She will leave.

My GF moved across the country to be with me, we've come along way, but we make it work on both sides. No one is better than the other, we are both equal and give/receive equal treatment. Patience and communication are not optional.

If you're with a girl who is a gold digger, is really toxic, and tries to control you, don't go for it man. She ain't the one. You can't force a real connection. It will happen when you're not looking.

I hope this is some-what helpful to someone.

Edit: if you're just starting a relationship DO NOT set the pace, let her set the pace, and if that pace is comfortable for both of you, allow it. Don't rush, don't be too slow. Find the right speed. You don't want to skim over the important details, especially in the beginning of a relationship. + don't be a perv lol
I’m supposed to see 5’2 balding Indian janitors with warts all over their face and body dating Victoria secret models.
You used 2 extremes to cope.

I see it all the time, I really don't believe this hypergamy bs. 90% of the couples I see IRL the guy is uglier than the girl
I see the opposite tbh. Every attractive guy is with an mtb. I think I live in one of the only cities on earth, where males are more attractive than females
I see the opposite tbh. Every attractive guy is with an mtb. I think I live in one of the only cities on earth, where males are more attractive than females
I live in Ireland which apparently has the ugliest men in Europe so I guess it makes sense here
Can vouch, as a poor excuse of a guy, 1, good dick does wonders, knowing how to use it, and knowing how to eat + aftercare. MOST IMPORTANTLY how you address wanting sex. Don't treat her like an object or an asset. Let her approach first. If she wants you to approach first, don't f*****g make it everyday unless instructed to.

Some girls don't like being sex dolls, it makes them feel less. Communication is like everything. Figure out what she likes, and how she wants it. Never be fake. Never fake an orgasm. Be transparent and honest, without being a douche or a wet sock. Also respect her periods. If you help her during her periods/help her with pain/run to the store if she needs/be patient with her/attend her cravings, etc. It all improves intimacy so much. Never rely on sex to hold your relationship together, that's toxic.

My gf lives under my roof, but we have a system where our bank accounts don't matter. We combine both of them, so, if she needs cash I have it, if I need cash she has it, and it's never an argument or anything. We understand that we have roles to play. I buy her gifts when I want to, it doesnt matter what the price is, even if its from the dollar store, she gets really excited that I thought of her.

Acknowledge this, and continue to feed this by surprising her with little trinkets she might have been talking about, ingredients for a recipe she might have wanted to try, or take her to a place she's been curious about. It doesn't even have to cost money. Has she been talking about a movie? Watch it, snuggle, don't advance her unless she advances you (sexually).

Been talking about a new hobby? Research it with her, make plans, inspire her ideas, build off them, allow her to get excited and passionate about them. As long as the hobby isn't harmful or whatever.

Take her outside, picnics, walks, drives through nice areas. My girl really likes it when we drive past newly built houses, and talk about what kind of house we'd like when we're older.

She's not spoiled, not a gold digger. Right now we are struggling to pay the bills, and our relationship is just as solid. We are not built off money, and she isn't with me for a benefit of that kind. She loves me because I love her and she's confident that I do, vice versa.

She likes to alternate payment, so, if I buy dinner one night, she'll want to either pay the tip or cover the next meal. (I never let her but sometimes she wins) Be playful, being playful is crucial to keeping the mood light. But don't dismiss things that should be taken more seriously.

I don't control her unless it's something that needs genuine correction, like pointing out a red flag in another guy coworker or telling her she needs to stop talking to someone because they want to take advantage of her, when they clearly do. DO NOT freak out or command a woman. Talk reasonably, and rationally.

I help her, I listen, I spend time with her, I give her space if she wants, I help her figure things out when she doesn't know where to start/she's struggling. I help her figure out what to eat. When she's upset, we get a drink from like dunkin or something. If she's not having a good day, I get her, her favorite food.

I have a good relationship with her parents and her younger siblings. Her mom loves me, her father, despite my flaws, respects me and finds me intelligent (his words) and believes I have good motives with her. Her little brother really likes me, loves to hang out and play games here and there and her little sister is a little shy, but she also likes me.

When I'm around her parents, I always offer to help out with the kids, or, if we're in public and they wander I don't hesitate, I'm the first to run after them and keep them within my reach just in case. --Her MOM REALLY really appreciated it when I helped her find clothes for them in their sizes when she needed to go back to school shopping, etc.

Gestures like that, respecting the dynamic of her family and doing my best to make use of my presence instead of being a nuisance/in the way. Making my gf feel appreciated, comfortable, satisfied, and stable are the most important things. All while not being overbearing, annoying, etc. I try to stay laid back and open minded, while also being quite assertive in a respectful manner.

Respecting the parents and giving them the etiquette they believe in, proves to your girl that you're committed and willing to settle. If she really wants to be with you, that would be an attractive factor.

Another one would be, if your girl wants to start a family with you, and she really does want to settle with you, if you have younger family members that are toddlers, or infants, women really like seeing their man prove they can be a good father.

When I went to visit my sister to help her with her daughter, around 10mo, I brought my GF with. I offered to watch/take over the baby for awhile so my sister could breathe a little bit.

Interacting, yknow playing with the baby, making her laugh, making sure she was okay when eating, giving her water, the way you speak to a child/how you behave around a child. If you're like, actually trying to cater to that child, it shows.

After we left my sister's, my gf was telling me about how attractive she thought it was when I was watching the baby, because it made her think of what we could have in the future and she thinks it's cute/hot that I have fatherly qualities she can rely on, and feels comfortable knowing I can handle taking on that responsibility. Women who want to settle, love babies.

If you're stiff and uncomfortable around a baby/can't hold a baby/don't know what to do with a baby, she's probably not going to be too into that. It's not a great look. You're gunna lose points.

It's all about effort. If you really love someone, and they really love you, then there is always a compromise. EVERY COUPLE has its moments, sometimes you may disagree, but it's how you handle it that matters.

Don't be soggy, don't be cold. Don't make her feel jealous, don't let her feel insecure about your relationship. Help her feel confident in your faith, and make sure both parties trust and believe in one another.

Doubt. Will. Ruin. You. She will leave.

My GF moved across the country to be with me, we've come along way, but we make it work on both sides. No one is better than the other, we are both equal and give/receive equal treatment. Patience and communication are not optional.

If you're with a girl who is a gold digger, is really toxic, and tries to control you, don't go for it man. She ain't the one. You can't force a real connection. It will happen when you're not looking.

I hope this is some-what helpful to someone.

Edit: if you're just starting a relationship DO NOT set the pace, let her set the pace, and if that pace is comfortable for both of you, allow it. Don't rush, don't be too slow. Find the right speed. You don't want to skim over the important details, especially in the beginning of a relationship. + don't be a perv lol
Ohhh ohh I see I see now, I'm not the best at picking up on cues so, my apologies.

I think looks do and don't matter. They matter when it comes to how 1, you treat and feel about yourself. 2, Society and what society deems 'acceptable/non-acceptable' and overall respect. There is DEFINITELY an impact when it comes to appearance though, that's why we're here, right? We don't feel good enough, so, here we are trying to unlock the best of ourselves.

I think when it comes to getting a partner you don't have to be the MOST attractive person literally ever, but I do not think someone like gorlock could walk away with someone rated a 10. I think it also has a lot to do with attitude/ego/and how you project it onto others.

Someone who maybe is not attractive by any means, who's also a b***h will not get anyone, like ever. At least I wouldn't think so. You could also be a literal walking Greek statue, but have an ugly personality, which is also another turn off for a lot of people, especially females.

There's like this weird unwritten expectation/rule females have when it comes to the ratio of "nurturing protector" and "bad-boy dare devil." Too nurturing, and you're too soft and soggy; they think its boring. Too "bad" and they think you're a douche-bag pervert or something. The kind they talk trash about and claim are "all men."

Whether you're smoking hot, attractive, mid, or average, maybe even below average, as long as you can balance your personality I think you'd have a better chance than someone of the same boat with a personality that ruins their attractiveness/worsens their un-attractiveness.

Its already a better start to have that mentality. No one likes a rich guy who boasts his money. So, I'd think no one would want to be around someone overly pretentious about themselves. Arrogance is not really well-taken from what I've seen. Be cool, be stoic, and don't puff your chest out like a chihuahua trying to size-up a larger dog. Work on yourself, and work hard. Come to love every part of what you see in the mirror and live life the best you can. It might take a long ass time, but it'll be worth it.

I, by all means, do not think I am considered attractive. I would never use that term to describe me. I believe I am below average, and I have a lot of work to do. A LOTTT of work to do. I don't have money either, so, I couldn't even be a sugar daddy if I wanted to, which, I wouldn't recommend because that's not real love anyway. I don't see the point in wasting time paying someone to fake love you, its kinda sad. It would not make me happy. Real love is definitely more fulfilling by MILES.

I met the right girl at the right time, said the right things (I didn't even chase her, she actually chased me) and we started dating after being friends for two months. The 29th is actually our anniversary, then we'll be looking towards 6 years being together. We sleep in the same bed every night, and share the same room and everything. I have no idea how I got here, but if someone like me can pull someone like my girl, then, I don't think all hope is lost. If you dig through my threads you'll find a pic of her and I.

When it comes to your journey I would personally recommend you do it from a place of wanting to feel better in your skin first, rather than solely to impress others. That should come after. The most important thing is that you're happy with yourself, your efforts and the time you put into becoming a chad or whatever it is you desire.

Something something, you first, then others. You're doing this for your confidence and your life, for your happiness and your ego. Females like a man who's confident and collected with himself. Being insecure is something a lot of girls dislike, an unfortunate reality. To have a good relationship, you need to know who you are and what you stand for, without second-guessing it all. It definitely impacts a relationship if you're lost. A lot has happened for me in 5 years, a lot of lessons learned and a lot of patience. A lot of self-work and a lot of growing up.

If you do everything you want to do, and come to a place where you're healthier, happier, your body is in better shape, you're taking better care of yourself. Where you actually like your surroundings, want to explore, want to breathe, want to have a social life and put effort into friends, careers, family, then you will find yourself a much better person both physically and mentally from where you started. Looking back you will have changed probably more than you'll come to realize, as long as you stick to your principle and keep walking towards your "perfect you."

Sorry if my words are unhelpful, but know they come from a place of good intention.
u give me life fuel and suicide fuel
u give me life fuel and suicide fuel
Hopefully more life fuel D:

I struggle w/ suicidal thoughts, as my life is NOT perfect by any means even if it seems that way. But, when effort is made, it makes a difference no matter what is it you're doing/working towards. Doing nothing at all shows no progress. If you're not trying to change, then, that should be someone's first step.

It doesn't make sense to me when some people are absolutely devastated and hopeless about themselves/something, and then do literally nothing about it/try to fix it. If you really want it, it makes sense to like, do SOMETHING before just dying.

That's what I'm doing lol. This is my final "hurrah" if I do all these things to try and get somewhere, and, I'm still miserable, Idk what I'm gunna do guys; It'll be so over
Hopefully more life fuel D:

I struggle w/ suicidal thoughts, as my life is NOT perfect by any means even if it seems that way. But, when effort is made, it makes a difference no matter what is it you're doing/working towards. Doing nothing at all shows no progress. If you're not trying to change, then, that should be someone's first step.

It doesn't make sense to me when some people are absolutely devastated and hopeless about themselves/something, and then do literally nothing about it/try to fix it. If you really want it, it makes sense to like, do SOMETHING before just dying.

That's what I'm doing lol. This is my final "hurrah" if I do all these things to try and get somewhere, and, I'm still miserable, Idk what I'm gunna do guys; It'll be so over
ur life is perfect in my eyes
I live in Ireland which apparently has the ugliest men in Europe so I guess it makes sense here
not in ireland but my country is similar. every time i leave my house i see guys much uglier than me with hot girls

the hypergamy thing is strictly location dependent. it doesnt exist here, ive even seen actual mutants with htbs+ but never the opposite
Supposedly I’m supposed to see 5’2 balding Indian janitors with warts all over their face and body dating Victoria secret models.:copium: But I just don’t see that. :monkahmm:The only ugly people I see are old fat people but they’re usually dating other old fat people. Also they were probably better looking in their younger days
They dont mean genuinely ugly ,just guys that are lower than the girls.Most people imo are around the same range
