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Discussion I Frame Mog the Majority of the Forum

What's your bidelt ( measurement without bending ofc )
arent you on tren... like cope harder my genetics are way better
Lol at claiming your genetics are good when your haven't done a genetics test.

Let me also add no. I'm not on tren. I take testosterone replacement therapy. That puts me at exactly 970ng/dl on avg weekly. This is well within the natural normal limits of a human. I do this because I chose to. It gave me better health outcomes and I feel better and I have control over my testosterone levels. Regardless it doesn't mean I have bad genetics. Quite the opposite actually 😅

I fucking love when I get to opportunity to flex my actual genetics with data. Take a genetics test. Get bigger or work out more idk? Your arms are fine. You zero have deltoids. You look like a old man trying to look good for some lady's at a beach. You're a clown remember there is always a bigger fish. You are small fry compared to me. 210lbs and I don't even have to try to stay this weight.

I don't like being a detractor but your ego is too big for your own good and no one here appreciates it. You made an entire thread about how you mogged this whole fourm and when you show what you got. You fall short.

Work out more and achieve a higher level so you can really express those "genetics" you have.


You see that? 0.44% bad genetics. It's comically good.
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