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Well-known member
Jun 28, 2023
Ordered some za off a website, im not even 18 yet but i have full access to my bank acc didnt think it would be an issue since it says discrete packaging but now im freaking out cuz what if they ask for id when it gets here chat what do i do my mormon parents r going to kill me will i get arrested for this😭😭😭
Ordered some za off a website, im not even 18 yet but i have full access to my bank acc didnt think it would be an issue since it says discrete packaging but now im freaking out cuz what if they ask for id when it gets here chat what do i do my mormon parents r going to kill me will i get arrested for this😭😭😭
Idk why you bought that over the internet bro.....deepweb? Yeah idk what to say man.. never buy drugs like that over the web.
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  • #3
Idk why you bought that over the internet bro.....deepweb? Yeah idk what to say man.. never buy drugs like that over the web.
nah just normal website ik i was retarded didnt fully think about it until afterwards
nah just normal website ik i was retarded didnt fully think about it until afterwards
Even worse....never ever buy anything illegal on the normal web that's just asking for honeypot.
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  • #5
Even worse....never ever buy anything illegal on the normal web that's just asking for honeypot.
i mean technically the substance itself isnt illegal since i live in california just my age
Ordered some za off a website, im not even 18 yet but i have full access to my bank acc didnt think it would be an issue since it says discrete packaging but now im freaking out cuz what if they ask for id when it gets here chat what do i do my mormon parents r going to kill me will i get arrested for this😭😭😭
not that big of a deal if you live in california try canceling your order asap if not possible try telling your parents its smth else and if thats not possible just relax. you’re under 18 and you live in california the worst that’ll happen is probably your package gets confiscated or a fine , your parents will get over it
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  • #11
not that big of a deal if you live in california try canceling your order asap if not possible try telling your parents its smth else and if thats not possible just relax. you’re under 18 and you live in california the worst that’ll happen is probably your package gets confiscated or a fine , your parents will get over it
u right thanks
Ordered some za off a website, im not even 18 yet but i have full access to my bank acc didnt think it would be an issue since it says discrete packaging but now im freaking out cuz what if they ask for id when it gets here chat what do i do my mormon parents r going to kill me will i get arrested for this😭😭😭
what's za?
Ordered some za off a website, im not even 18 yet but i have full access to my bank acc didnt think it would be an issue since it says discrete packaging but now im freaking out cuz what if they ask for id when it gets here chat what do i do my mormon parents r going to kill me will i get arrested for this😭😭😭
and don't call your parents morons
Ordered some za off a website, im not even 18 yet but i have full access to my bank acc didnt think it would be an issue since it says discrete packaging but now im freaking out cuz what if they ask for id when it gets here chat what do i do my mormon parents r going to kill me will i get arrested for this😭😭😭
why would they id you for a package thats stated as non za meaning it could be something legal so i dont think they will need to id you? even if u order from the dark web they vaccum it and send it as some other item thats not illegal you should always talk with your vendor when it comes to stuff like that also you could have ordered it to a friends house (over 18 since ur paranoid if they will id) or a drop addy and go pick it up with a friend
Ordered some za off a website, im not even 18 yet but i have full access to my bank acc didnt think it would be an issue since it says discrete packaging but now im freaking out cuz what if they ask for id when it gets here chat what do i do my mormon parents r going to kill me will i get arrested for this😭😭😭
over for gymcel88
if the website u bought it from didnt ask for id its unlikely the delivery guy will, he probably doesn't even know what the package is.
they wont ask for ID and if they do just say it isn't you and they person who ordered must of ordered at the wrong address.

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