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Rage i fucking ungrateful ppl


Well-known member
Jul 24, 2024
i am genuinely fuming, this is a conversation between me and best friend. (i love her very much, obviously). for context, she was feeling very ugly about herself at the gym and i wanted to comfort her, but when she told me what happened to her at the gym. she said there were many beautiful (bad) girls at the gym, then she went on to tell me that when she was applying makeup one of them called her so beautiful and shit. i got so angry, cause why are you going to tell me you feel so ugly meanwhile you get told the exact opposite? how can she be so fucking ungrateful? i’ve NEVER gotten this, she gets this from guys too. guys COME UP to her. she gets girls and guys coming up to her and she goes to say she’s ugly. i’m so tired of it. if i was in her position id be so grateful and so happy. i’ve never gotten this shit, NEVER. if she was in my shoes then she would probably kill herself. i am invisible to men and women, no one looks at me, no one finds interest in me, i get rejected, i get nothing. im so tired of this shit. i am genuinely so tired. i would kill to be in her position. i really would.
suddenly i feel ungrateful...

in genuineness... i see so many people complain and be ungrateful. its just the way world is. if youre against it dont be like them. i try to be grateful for the little things. i hope you feel better and more relaxed
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  • #17
suddenly i feel ungrateful...
View attachment 41478

in genuineness... i see so many people complain and be ungrateful. its just the way world is. if youre against it dont be like them. i try to be grateful for the little things. i hope you feel better and more relaxed
thank you sigma :sadge:
im walking on my treadmill now to chill out
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  • #20
Elliot mogger type of post.
Almost all women are this stupid btw not only your friend that's why I hate most of females.
yeah. you’re right, most are :sadge:
it’s so tiring being told this everyday by her even tho she gets such great treatment
she literally sees i don’t get that but continuously tells me shes ugly but then tells me about these great situations and it makes me want to shoot myself
yeah. you’re right, most are :sadge:
it’s so tiring being told this everyday by her even tho she gets such great treatment
she literally sees i don’t get that but continuously tells me shes ugly but then tells me about these great situations and it makes me want to shoot myself
Pick mes. I hate when people that have it really well with their looks have the nerve to have low self esteem and feel ugly. You KNOW you're not and still bitch about it. Those people piss me off. Chad that feels "ugly" will have more female interaction in 2 hours than I will in a year.
yeah. you’re right, most are :sadge:
it’s so tiring being told this everyday by her even tho she gets such great treatment
she literally sees i don’t get that but continuously tells me shes ugly but then tells me about these great situations and it makes me want to shoot myself
To be fair you are like her
-In this forum everyone rated you very high
-a guy asked u for e-dating
-still complaining about feeling ugly. Overseeing like most females.
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  • #23
Pick mes. I hate when people that have it really well with their looks have the nerve to have low self esteem and feel ugly. You KNOW you're not and still bitch about it. Those people piss me off. Chad that feels "ugly" will have more female interaction in 2 hours than I will in a year.
yeah i bet it’s really annoying when it’s chads.
i told my other girl friend about how mad i was about it and she just went on and on about a bunch of cope. “you guys are two different types of pretty” and “why should external validation be what makes you feel pretty.” and etc. i cried in front of her. :sadge:
she has a fucking boyfriend on top of this too. she’s also had lots of talking stages and exes and guys interested her and shit.
i wish so much that i could get the treatment they get.
i hate them all and i hate how they can’t see the reality in front of them.
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  • #24
To be fair you are like her
-In this forum everyone rated you very high
-a guy asked u for e-dating
-still complaining about feeling ugly. Overseeing like most females.
i guess i can see what you mean, but still i get nothing irl so does it even matter bro:sadge:
i can’t get a fucking real life boyfriend, talking stage, or a man interested in me
yeah i bet it’s really annoying when it’s chads.
i told my other girl friend about how mad i was about it and she just went on and on about a bunch of cope. “you guys are two different types of pretty” and “why should external validation be what makes you feel pretty.” and etc. i cried in front of her. :sadge:
she has a fucking boyfriend on top of this too. she’s also had lots of talking stages and exes and guys interested her and shit.
i wish so much that i could get the treatment they get.
i hate them all and i hate how they can’t see the reality in front of them.
This is the thing with women, ALWAYS cope with facts. They don't want to admit the truth. I know that it is rooted in biology and is an evolutionary trait, but the constant cope said by women must make it worse for you. At the very least, guys are more up front about things.
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  • #26
This is the thing with women, ALWAYS cope with facts. They don't want to admit the truth. I know that it is rooted in biology and is an evolutionary trait, but the constant cope said by women must make it worse for you. At the very least, guys are more up front about things.
so real man :pepehands:
i’m glad guys are honest about things and i am able to ask them things. it makes me laugh even when im sad when i get cope from my girl friends.
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  • #28
you probably autistic btw that's why you don't get validation. Or severely frauded
i am told i have npc voice (autistic voice prob) and that i am very weird, i posted a status post recently of this guy i liked saying he believed i was on the spectrum so
maybe that could be it :pepehands:
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  • #32
Yeah it's that. Still strange since you could pass as a quirky pretty girl for most normies
maybe this is cope
but i don’t go out very often either, just gym, groceries, work, and one irl class since all my other classes are online☠️
yeah nvm it sounds like cope, guys would approach :pepehands:
i am genuinely fuming, this is a conversation between me and best friend. (i love her very much, obviously). for context, she was feeling very ugly about herself at the gym and i wanted to comfort her, but when she told me what happened to her at the gym. she said there were many beautiful (bad) girls at the gym, then she went on to tell me that when she was applying makeup one of them called her so beautiful and shit. i got so angry, cause why are you going to tell me you feel so ugly meanwhile you get told the exact opposite? how can she be so fucking ungrateful? i’ve NEVER gotten this, she gets this from guys too. guys COME UP to her. she gets girls and guys coming up to her and she goes to say she’s ugly. i’m so tired of it. if i was in her position id be so grateful and so happy. i’ve never gotten this shit, NEVER. if she was in my shoes then she would probably kill herself. i am invisible to men and women, no one looks at me, no one finds interest in me, i get rejected, i get nothing. im so tired of this shit. i am genuinely so tired. i would kill to be in her position. i really would.
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dnr foids will foid
Idk fam ..people are just insecure and into their heads too much.As much as I would like to think that being more attractive would make me more carefree, mentally plays a huge role.In reality I would still obsess over my looks.

I get the annoyance of her getting showered in compliments and yet whining about being ugly ,but aren't you also getting compliments here too? Is it different that it's online?At the end of the day they're still people that find you attractive.

If it's about not getting any attention irl..I don't know how you are personality wise so I won't really comment,but just look around you you'll notice that they are a lot of normie girls that also barely get any attention.Me personally I don't expect any compliments not because I'm ugly but because I rarely 1.give them out myself 2. Put myself in a position where I would receive them..Not even filler compliments from women that tbh for the most part mean nothing.

Don't think about it too much let people have their delusional moments.
Idk fam ..people are just insecure and into their heads too much.As much as I would like to think that being more attractive would make me more carefree, mentally plays a huge role.In reality I would still obsess over my looks.

I get the annoyance of her getting showered in compliments and yet whining about being ugly ,but aren't you also getting compliments here too? Is it different that it's online?At the end of the day they're still people that find you attractive.

If it's about not getting any attention irl..I don't know how you are personality wise so I won't really comment,but just look around you you'll notice that they are a lot of normie girls that also barely get any attention.Me personally I don't expect any compliments not because I'm ugly but because I rarely 1.give them out myself 2. Put myself in a position where I would receive them..Not even filler compliments from women that tbh for the most part mean nothing.

Don't think about it too much let people have their delusional moments.
Interesting insight.

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