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I fxcking hate what looksmaxxing has done to me


Master Mogger
Aug 20, 2024
All this has really done has stolen my confidence, destroyed my self esteem, gave me depression, body dysmorphia, brought unsettling blackpill truths to light, made women seem like objects to date based on looks, objectified me, and distanced me from my family and friends. Its sad. I wish I was that kid who used to never care abt looks or jawlines or girls, when I was just happy and smiling, completely content with the cards life dealt me.

Comparison is the thief of joy.
ive been better after leaving .is and .org the only time blackpill brainrot hits is when i stare at my face for like a minute, all of my flaws just become so apparent to me and get worse every second
All this has really done has stolen my confidence, destroyed my self esteem, gave me depression, body dysmorphia, brought unsettling blackpill truths to light, made women seem like objects to date based on looks, objectified me, and distanced me from my family and friends. Its sad. I wish I was that kid who used to never care abt looks or jawlines or girls, when I was just happy and smiling, completely content with the cards life dealt me.

Comparison is the thief of joy.
The truth of this world is brutal the black pill is not something you can unsee getting off the forum will just make you a little less brainrotted but trust it will always be there. The reason it will always be there is because it’s just reality and as long as your around the bio machines we call humans it will always exist. I understand you completely I wish I could unsee it too but you just need to accept it we all hate the reality of the world but there is nothing that can be done it’s just biology.
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