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I had a chance with a stacylite but shes weird

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  • #51
I might as well go to indian food markets and ask the dudes who make the food for their opinion on women then proceed to take it seriously
“Autism” you are literally saying random words
One of the possible autism traits is to be too literal, like you did. Nobody goes to gym every day literally.
Youre ltn who works out everyday and still has a “shit” (ur own words) physique he refuses to show. Your opinion was never needed. To avoid this in future do not give yours, its totally invalid no matter what you say. I only listen to normal men not weird ones who obsess with basement dweller rating methods and cannot workout properly , low self esteem, and fail to pull all in one package. Give your opinion to someone as low level as you
It's not an opinion it's a scale that was made with the purpose of following a logic in wich average in nature is mtn but nowadays thanks to bad diets and conditions average is high ltn
That scales correlates with treatment from other people towards you and what you see everyday.
Again, you are applying a brutal ad hominem on me and not using arguments
Your lack of experience, and looks, and competence, puts you in a position where ur opinion is always gonna be shit and clowned by me. Get over it and move onto the next incel who will eat it up, ur too low vibrational for me to believe ur shitty takes
stop trying to attack and give me one argument on why she's a stacylite. Because she pooped up her boobs in one pic? Holy scale
You should buy the meat directly from the farm sellers
Grass fed, as primarily grain fed cows are more likely to have e coli
just make sure ur getting it from the healthiest sources possible otherwise there is a chance that u get e coli
People on org say the bacteria is good for you tho
People on org say the bacteria is good for you tho
depends on ur digestive system
She was very persistent to me complimenting and giving me attention but when i got her insta it was a shitshow

i think she bought her comments cause when she posts a spotify screenshot it has 50+ comments saying shit like stunning and heart eyes, ur so pretty, ur unreal. How tf does that happen

She also is turbo slutty, its over if she buys her comments cause thats a dealbreaker
nah usually thats how the comments are for girls they spam like pretty , bod goals, etc.. with hundreds , thats for the ones i know tho
