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Rage I hate natural diet

Whitepill has been brainwashed the natural diet is something totally different
natural diet is good
i personally just like tracking my calories and protein to be precise (not natural) and i occasionally eat bad foods like once or twice a month (also not natural)
Whitepill has been brainwashed the natural diet is something totally different
When I say natural diet, I mean the optimal natural diet. Obviously in nature not everyone could get proper food and hunt with success.

Humans are naturally opportunistic, so naturally we should go for the best option of food with the most nutrients(raw meat).

When people couldn’t successfully hunt, they would live off natural fruits , or maybe smaller animals, but in general whatever they could get their hands on.

This creates a disparity in health, because by default the successful hunters will be more healthy and capable because of the proper nutrients.

Health is slightly intertwined with looks, so that’s why I believe it can be recommended.
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When I say natural diet, I mean the optimal natural diet. Obviously in nature not everyone could get proper food and hunt with success.

Humans are naturally opportunistic, so naturally we should go for the best option of food with the most nutrients(raw meat).

When people couldn’t successfully hunt, they would live off natural fruits , or maybe smaller animals, but in general whatever they could get their hands on.

This creates a disparity in health, because by default the successful hunters will be more healthy and capable because of the proper nutrients.

Health is slightly intertwined with looks, so that’s why I believe it can be recommended.
I like natural diet
I guess i meant to say Raw diet
raw diet is gross
except maybe raw eggs and raw dairy and raw fish
raw meat and blood is gross
have you every blended eggs with amish cheese and syrup it tastes very good saar
Ok slavemaxxer
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