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I have a subperfect physique, ask me anything about training


New member
Sep 27, 2024
all you need to know:
-natty lifting is cope and a meme
-just roid and do the most fun split and mog natties after 3 months while they seethe and go to the gym 7x a week for half your results in 3 years
- How tall are you ?

- What's your favorite ester for your TRT and how many milligrams ?
Woah nice Physique. How much time have you been going? What do you prefer for lats?
i’m curious as to what ur diet consists of, are you a whole foods type person?
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  • #10
Woah nice Physique. How much time have you been going? What do you prefer for lats?
appreciate it. Ive been 6-7 days a week consistent for 1.5 years. and put on an extra 4 months of 6 days a week powerlifting.

For lats, id usually do supernated pulldowns, chest supported row, and single arm lat pulldown. Any back exercise is good if followed with 3 key points during the rep

1. Control the negative
2. Squeeze at the very positive of the rep
3. BIG stretch on the end of the negative, if you arent extending your arm all the way with your lats getting pulled at the end of the negative then you arent getting the stretch.

i also deeply recommend deadlift straps as they allow your back to tire itself out rather than your forearms.
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  • #11
i’m curious as to what ur diet consists of, are you a whole foods type person?
my diet is not that clean. My metabolism is fast to the point im shitting 3 times a day which means id do anything to get my protein in.
these foods would range from fast food like maccas and burger king to beef with rice. But before i sleep, id usually eat 4-8 eggs boiled which has helped with alot of my recovery and growth overnight.

but id highly recommend red meat, eggs, and just natural fruits and vegetables.
also take creatine
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