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I have severe teeth can i get this type of smile?


Well-known member
Established ★★
Dec 22, 2024
I sadly can t physically smile so i have just this pic from when i was 11.Picsart_25-01-02_18-59-08-927.jpg2025-02-17 13_53_31.989+0200.jpg
Tried some today but sadly I can t move my face like for a natural smile. I have severe issue bit my parents and dentist didn t listen. I will get veeners once I can afford it. Until then I keep my mouth shut. Another severe issue is narrow palette due tongue tie. Please don t be harsh with this, it is a sensible subject...smiling being your biggest failo.


  • 62205a40d1312a26a6cccf4d16e27314.jpg
    47 KB · Views: 70
i dont see an issue w ur teeth tbh
Yeah I know I was dramatic but I an just frustrated my parents didn t do their job properly when it comes to this stuff. They never cared enough about looks. I should've had my tongue tie removed in childhood but it never happened
Sort of out of gpt is biased with celebs. It gives different ratings if you don t show the whole face of the celeb
View attachment 72458View attachment 72459View attachment 72460View attachment 72461View attachment 72462
I sadly can t physically smile so i have just this pic from when i was 11.View attachment 72463View attachment 72464
Tried some today but sadly I can t move my face like for a natural smile. I have severe issue bit my parents and dentist didn t listen. I will get veeners once I can afford it. Until then I keep my mouth shut. Another severe issue is narrow palette due tongue tie. Please don t be harsh with this, it is a sensible subject...smiling being your biggest failo.
go to a dentist r****d
Surgery and braces
Read what I had wrote
also youre fine stop being obsessed over little thing youre literally a stacy be greatfull
also youre fine stop being obsessed over little thing youre literally a stacy be greatfull
Bro you rated me like high mtb
most people rated you a stacey
my rating is irrelevant
Nah it was like half mtb half htb although usually was getting more htb than mtb but I guess people can switch
Nah it was like half mtb half htb although usually was getting more htb than mtb but I guess people can switch
so you are attractive.
i gave you high mtb because you look jewish thats it btw
so you are attractive.
i gave you high mtb because you look jewish thats it btw
I am not jewish lmao. Also not all jewish people are zionists and we shouldn't be rating based on that anyways
I am not jewish lmao. Also not all jewish people are zionists and we shouldn't be rating based on that anyways
i dont care if theyre niggger im racist
View attachment 72458View attachment 72459View attachment 72460View attachment 72461View attachment 72462
I sadly can t physically smile so i have just this pic from when i was 11.View attachment 72463View attachment 72464
Tried some today but sadly I can t move my face like for a natural smile. I have severe issue bit my parents and dentist didn t listen. I will get veeners once I can afford it. Until then I keep my mouth shut. Another severe issue is narrow palette due tongue tie. Please don t be harsh with this, it is a sensible subject...smiling being your biggest failo.
Zipper heads
View attachment 72458View attachment 72459View attachment 72460View attachment 72461View attachment 72462
I sadly can t physically smile so i have just this pic from when i was 11.View attachment 72463View attachment 72464
Tried some today but sadly I can t move my face like for a natural smile. I have severe issue bit my parents and dentist didn t listen. I will get veeners once I can afford it. Until then I keep my mouth shut. Another severe issue is narrow palette due tongue tie. Please don t be harsh with this, it is a sensible subject...smiling being your biggest failo.
you are a mentalcel.
Can you love yourself for the sake of my sanity. Every time you make a post commenting on your looks; I get self-conscious because I look worse than you.
Can you love yourself for the sake of my sanity. Every time you make a post commenting on your looks; I get self-conscious because I look worse than you.
I love myself aside looks. I just try to improve