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i know ive posted my progress pics before but i wanted to again

my lips are bigger in the last pic lol so i wanted to clarify that i didnt get lip filler

when i posted these on tt people were saying it was edited or i got surgery and they did not mean it in a good way 😭🙏
In seriousness though you look good. I think a middle part would suit you. Also are you tiktok famous or nah?
Ignore what the guys are saying. You literally are so gorgeous and I love your progress. I'm not glazing. I think you have so much potential to be a gigastacy with how pretty and doll like your eyes are and how narrow your bone structure is.
Ignore what the guys are saying. You literally are so gorgeous and I love your progress. I'm not glazing. I think you have so much potential to be a gigastacy with how pretty and doll like your eyes are and how narrow your bone structure is.
so pretty htb fr
zip up the pants when youre done friendos

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